Sentences with phrase «menu to the left»

Find it in the drop - down menu to the left of the Search bar at the top of your screen.
In the drop - down menu to the left of the search box at the top of any page, select «Groups».
As noted, your favorites are also listed in the browsing menu to the left.
It is also listed under «Resources» from the main menu to the left.
You can use the Quick Navigation menu to your left to quickly jump to a specific section.
Either player can choose Leave Game from the Pause Menu to leave the game at any time.
The Hidden Object Games guide can now be found in the Guides menu to the left.
It accomplishes this by moving the main navigation menu to the left and making it collapsible.
Inside the app, you'll find a beautiful Material Design interface with a «Network History» option tucked away in the slide - out menu to the left.
The main Android structure is the same — multiple homescreens, an app tray, pull - down notifications and settings bar — but there are various aesthetic tweaks as well as a helpful menu to the left of the app tray that lets you easily reorganise your apps.
The update also moves the Settings menu to the left - side sliding bar, and improves autocomplete reliability.
All of these items can be searched by keyword using the pull - down menu to the left of the global search bar at the top of every screen.
To read a news story, click on one of the links on the menu to the left.
In the menu to the left you will find general descriptions of the annual training requirements and exemptions for charter holder and / or charter school Governing Boards, Executives, Campus Administrators, Business Managers, and Certified Classroom Teachers as detailed in the Texas Administrative Code.
You can browse other sections of the help documentation using the menu to the left for more detailed documentation.
Take a quick glance at the menus to the left.
If you want to find out how much your loan or credit card is costing you, click on the menu to the left.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on skeletal issues in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on gastrointestinal diseases and defects in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on reproductive issues in Australian Shepherds.
The quickest and easiest way to find new cat health questions and answers as well as new articles about feline health care is to click on The Cat Doctor's Blog on the menu to the left.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on skin diseases in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on epilepsy in Australian Shepherds.
You may use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want by entering the name of the disease and «diagnosis».
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on testing and screening in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on coat and eye color in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on MDR1 in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on heart and blood diseafses in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on dental issues in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on neurologic disease in Australian Shepherds.
Or use the search box in the upper right or the menu to the left to find information you want on bladder or kidney disease in Australian Shepherds.
There are also convenient links to pet insurance and Care Credit for instant financial help found in the menu to the left.
Use the menu to the left to navigate throughout our web - site.
Check out Speed Runs or Sequence Breaking tricks in the menu to your left.
Check out Sequence Breaking tricks in the menu to your left.
It also clusters its findings in a menu to the left of the main page, which can be helpful.
You'll likely know that all you need to do, once your Google search results are returned, is click «latest» in the menu to the left, to get time - ordered results that are dynamically refreshed, i.e. with no need to reload the page in the browser.
The Account tab should open by default, but you can click on the Account option in the menu to the left if it doesn't.
You must be logged in for the links to the classes to appear on the menu to the left.
On the menu to the left you will find a description of services that we provide to our clients.
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