Sentences with phrase «merchant of doubt»

[See this review of Merchants of Doubt by Dr. S. Fred Singer.]
So science historian Naomi Oreskes took what amounts to climate skeptic vanilla pudding and labeled it as deadly poison peddled by Merchants of Doubt without any investigation into the original source documents and no requests for comment from the clearly named involved parties.
This is a long, complicated and well - trod story told, among others, by Naomi Oreskes in Merchants of Doubt, and by Michael Mann in The Madhouse Effect.
Read Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway's Merchants of Doubt for a compelling account of how the tobacco, chemical, and fossil fuel industries have used industry - funded «studies» and science - for - sale to stave off regulation for decades or longer.
It would seem that messages such as Merchants of Doubt are the expected consequence when so much depends on fostering a spirit of fear.
It can't help that the film Merchants of Doubt comes out this week.
Science historian Naomi Oreskes took what amounts to climate skeptic vanilla pudding and labeled it as deadly poison peddled by Merchants of Doubt without any...
To paraphrase Monty Python in its reviews of Python's Big Red Book, Merchants of Doubt makes Ben Hur look like an epic.
So maybe you don't think spending your $ 10 at the movie theatre to watch Merchants of Doubt is such a good idea.
The good news is that the crap like Merchants of Doubt is proof that the cause if failing — especially when it bombs so dismally at its exact goal of public outreach.
about Tobacco Gun for Hire James Enstrom, Willie Soon and the Climate Deniers Attack on Merchants of Doubt
about Merchants of Doubt Film Debuts, Textbook Denial Attack Campaign Led By Fred Singer Ensues
Oreskes, N. & Conway, E. M. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (Bloomsbury, New York, 2010).
New film «Merchants of Doubt features Morano as part of the «network of professional fabricators, obfuscators and pseudo-scientists who have lately attempted to muddle the scientific debate around global warming.»
- I've written extensively about the vicious ways in which deniers and so - called merchants of doubt attack climate science, through persuading the media to present a false balance, going after scientists, undermining that solid scientific consensus and other tricks of the type that this course aims to expose.
Chappie Danny Collins Unfinished Business Merchants of Doubt (Limited) The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Limited)
Other Stuff We Watched The Fan Wild at Heart Flight of the Navigator Star Wars Merchants of Doubt Nathan for You: Season 3
Download this Review Read Kevin's review of Merchants of Doubt here.
Sony Pictures Classics had been tracking MERCHANTS OF DOUBT since the beginning and we're thrilled they will be taking this provocative film out to the world.»
Diane Weyermann, EVP of Documentary Films at Participant Media stated, «Robby's terrific film FOOD, INC is one of Participant's most successful, impactful documentaries, and we anticipate audiences will also embrace MERCHANTS OF DOUBT.
The Award for Outstanding Producer of Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures: Ø The Green Prince (Music Box Films) Ø Life Itself (Magnolia Pictures) Ø Merchants of Doubt (Sony Pictures Classics) Ø Particle Fever (Abramorama / BOND...
I think in that instance, Judith was drawing a distinction between the Fred Singer / Merchants of Doubt crowd and her new tribe of self - appointed «auditors», rather than attributing those things to RealClimate directly.
and the science is always evolving, so it's always easy to generate confusion (see Merchants of Doubt).
McKie says that Merchants of Doubt includes detailed notes on all sources used, is carefully paced, and is «my runaway contender for best science book of the year».
Naomi Oreskes» new movie Merchants of Doubt has recently been released.
Merchants of Doubt premieres in U.S. theaters today, and it will invite thousands of energized viewers to sign this petition and join our campaign.
That's one big reason why I produced Merchants of Doubt, a film that lays bare the greedy, shameful world of climate denial and the journalists who broadcast it.
It's clear that Merchants of Doubt provides good tools we should all have when taking in any kind of media.
Dr. Curry, you conclude «So the book [Merchant of Doubt] is not up to snuff academically,» after quoting what you claim to be «the most insightful review» that calls the book «less a scholarly work than a passionate attack on a group of scientists turned lobbyists.»
Merchants of Doubt tells the story of how a loose - knit group of high - level scientists and scientific advisers, with deep connections in politics and industry, ran effective campaigns to mislead the public and deny well - established scientific knowledge over four decades.
It was closer to Comedy of Errors than Merchants of Doubt fronting for Big Coal.
Merchants of Doubt zooms in on the anti-science campaign outlined in Naomi Oreskes» book of the same name, and has some pretty shocking and frank interviews with some of the more colorful and influential operatives in the climate denier movement.
While this strategy might have been arguably useful, needed or effective at some earlier point in the debate to counter the politically motivated merchants of doubt, these strategies have enraged the uncertainty monster, particularly since the Climategate emails and errors that were found in the AR4 WGII Report (e.g. van der Sluijs et al 2010).
In this episode of the DesmogCAST, host Farron Cousins speaks with me, Kyla Mandel and Justin Mikulka to talk about the breakout documentary Merchants of Doubt and how climate science deniers are still manufacturing a fake debate about the clear consensus among bonafide climate experts.
A new film called Merchants of Doubt exposes a group of slick, camera - ready pundits who get paid to confuse the public on climate change.
In addition to his many TV appearances, Merchants of Doubt highlighted Taylor's multitude of op - eds that have been published in newspapers across the country.
Following this success, and in realization of the need to become a stronger, more permanent organization, Naomi Oreskes, a Harvard University science historian and author of Merchants of Doubt, and Jeff Masters, founder of Weather Underground Inc., joined what later became the organization's founding board.
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