Sentences with phrase «mere utterances»

But Buffett, the steely capital allocator who moves world markets with mere utterances, had enough.
Controversial policies, such as the poll tax and her opposition to any closer integration with Europe, meant the mere utterance of her name has nowadays become divisive.
I have done very little research on the topic, but I'd have to assume that the mere utterance of «American» doesn't really speak to any beyond the most fervently patriotic moviegoers.
Just the mere utterance of his name is known to illicit some sort of emotional response from the person, p...
It's the way we're still conducting meetings that has brought grown - ups to their knees at the mere utterance of the words «We're having another meeting today to discuss...»

Not exact matches

And this is but the merest sample of the immense bulk of such utterances that one might excerpt from the Psalms and other poetry of the Old Testament.
The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the prophetic utterance, the oracle of a mere man, Le'ithiel: Indeed I am a subhuman brute; I have not the intelligence of a man.
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