Sentences with phrase «merely add content»

It's no good to merely add content to your LMS and check reports every couple of weeks.

Not exact matches

Not content to merely add his name to the list of filmmakers who kept his secrets for him or make Weinstein sound like a Rick James song, Schrader clarified that — while the rape stuff is certainly bad — what really grinds his gears was Weinstein's lack of respect for the craft.
Add to that increased retail competition online and a tech industry that regards any content merely a way to sell tablets that become obsolete every few months.
Since your response to requests for specific examples is merely handwaving unspecific generalities and vague broadbrush links to vague broadbrush complaints about abstract philosophical constructs, I'll assume that this is yet another to add to the long list of subjects on which your monotonous «discourse» includes no worthwhile content.
Cendali's point is that the Lexicon merely copies Rowling's work without any original, value - added content that might qualify as new art.
This must offer some comfort to law librarians in particular who have long been concerned that dollars spent on online services merely license content for a defined period of time and add nothing to the permanent collection.
While the exposure to liability of the poster of the defamatory content itself is not challenged, is the person who merely links to that site, without adding any defamatory material, also liable?
Those articles are now not merely of persuasive or parallel effect but as Lord Woolf says, are the very content of the domestic tort that the English court has to enforce» (emphasis added).
Not content with merely launching its own take on Instagram and Snapchat's Stories, Skype today is adding another copycat - like feature to its app: photo stickers.
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