Sentences with phrase «merely as an instrument»

It is one thing to be justified by faith merely as an instrument by which man receives the righteousness of Christ, and another to be justified FOR faith as an act or work of the law.
Best Laid Plans is the latest in a long line of thrillers in the late 90s that exist merely as an instrument for filmmakers to try to fool us, creating little more substantial than an enigmatic diversion.

Not exact matches

It was not merely symbolic; it was a heavy timber designed specifically as His instrument of death.
Well, first of all God does not merely use people as instruments then cast them aside.
However effective such approaches turn out to be as instruments of inquiry and change (and I will explain my doubts about them later), their current vogue is a sign that the crisis in higher education is at least being joined at the level of meaning and purpose rather than merely at the level of methodology.
«The law is merely an instrument, and without the involvement of human hands, it is as lifeless and uninspiring as a violin kept in its case,» Bharara said.
Silent videos that merely imply sound — such as of someone playing a musical instrument — still get processed by auditory regions of the brain.
All Together Now can not make these foundational arguments because it views choice merely as one instrument of the grand objective, economic mixing.
Acclaimed philosopher and historian A.C. Grayling points to three primary factors that led to the rise of vernacular (popular) languages in philosophy, theology, science, and literature; the rise of the individual as a general and not merely an aristocratic type; and the invention and application of instruments and measurement in the study of the natural world.
However, many companies do not attempt to manage or own these potential assets and merely see the credit card, even though it is a corporate card, as an expense instrument.
Oftentimes, MegaTen games eventually lead to a point where humanity as a whole is effectively scorned and people are merely instruments in the game's conflicts.
She believes while people may be different as individuals, the notion of «group differences» is merely a false and fabricated instrument.
When he unveiled his often lukewarm collaborative pieces with Warhol in 1985, the New York Times savaged him as an «art - world mascot» and an «all too willing accessory,» as if he were merely an instrument in the hands of the older, white, artist (in actuality, as Boom for Real shows, the pair shared a genuine artistic affinity, and were mutually beguiled by each other's work).
Recording of instruments with the county recorder by a title company merely as a convenience to a customer and without assumption of responsibility for correctness or validity.
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