Sentences with phrase «merely human one»

Accepting Intimacy If You're Merely Human (Keynote Address) Constructing The Sexual Crucible ™ Workshop Sexual Desire: Who Wants to Want?
Thus, those of us who are merely human must keep trying (except while sales are good --» if it ain't broke...»).
There are advantages to being merely human.
It won't do so though, if — as players — we're forced to spend hours desperately and frustratedly trying to figure out portions of the game while the curtain is gradually pulled back to reveal that the Great and Powerful Oz is merely human.
In the realm of science - fiction, exploring our own socio - political environment through the lens of a foreign or futuristic society is commonplace; however, exploring merely human nature and philosophical questions of life is less common, at least as a stand - alone theme.
One huge and often overlooked / underestimated factor is merely human development.
Climb on a swing, and you're no longer merely human — you're an airplane, a bird, a superhero.
35 This theme is a repetitive drumbeat in his City of God, where he asserted that, regardless of our finite sense of historical developments occurring under the sway of merely human forces:
You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.»
Certainly on the basis of merely human endeavor, it seemed an impossible dream.
Now back to the believers: 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments [including ispew et al], 16 for, «Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?»
A good man would not claim to return to earth from heaven at a later time (as you pointed out Jesus claimed) so that people would continue in faithfulness to him if he was merely a human being and not capable of fulfilling that promise.
He says that since faith is a work, it can not be «merely a human work, but a gracious work of God in us» (John MacArthur, Gospel According to Jesus, 33).
To the possible objection that to regard the Commandments as a summation appears to reduce the Decalogue to merely human and therefore uninspired origin we should respond in vigorous denial: rather, this is to interpret the Word as we think the Word always comes - in interaction with the word.
Plato was right that this principle can not be love in the merely human sense of feelings and attitudes of a localized animal.
They find it hard to believe that the Catholic Church is a supernatural society and not merely a human institution, another «denomination» like so many others.
Abstractly, it would seem illogical to try to measure the worth of a religion's fruits in merely human terms of value.
These parables, this teacher who spoke in parables beside the sea, this gospel writer who meant well in his expunged explication of the text, this biblical narrative with a height and depth — all of this must be missed in a merely human grasp.
If you are a Christian, then Jews, Muslims and Hindus are Christian, because all believe Christ to be merely human and a very good model of behavior, just that the early Christian church was misled by St. Paul and St. John concerning the co-eternal divinity of Christ and his role in our salvation, which only God could provide.
McIntyre holds that the «psychological model» avoids these dangers and has been explored in the light of modern insights concerning selfhood; but it has usually ended with a merely human Christ.
11 In God's covenant with Moses and, through Moses, with the people of the exodus, the being of God acquired «an explicitly personal character» 12 that countered anthropomorphizing tendencies «primarily through the experience of the infinite superiority of the divine nature to all merely human attributes and capacities — an experience which marks every encounter with the divine in the Old Testament.»
Though he became a Catholic late in life, he was, I think, in theological terms what one would call a «skeptical fideist»: temperamentally and through wide experience a skeptic, his skepticism took the form of an incapacity to believe in all merely human authority or power.
We know from merely human conversations how enormously difficult it is really to listen, to be fully present to our interlocutors.
Indeed, some theologians teach that the Church is merely a human construction which we can freely reorganise at will.
The supernatural and merely human gifts she receives along the way are sufficient for her task, and those who seek a theologically astute way to engender hospitality will do well to take careful (and, I suspect, joyful) note.
Without considering the many thousands of other gods that have been ruled false throughout the ages, the reasons why these gods were determined to be merely human inventions, and applying those criteria to their own deity Christians aren't fairly judging God's existence, are they?
Where the gods were displayed in relief and sculpture, they only served further to idealize the beauty of man himself, not to overawe him or drive him into shame for his merely human condition.
The prayer in the Garden: «Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me; nevertheless, if it may not pass except I drink it, Thy will be done...» (Matt 26,30) does not seem to me to be merely human grief.
In that sense, then, God may properly be called «personal» — provided of course, that we are constantly on guard against restricting the sense of these «personal» elements in him to the merely human level on which we ourselves know personality.
They come from many lands; and they do not mean at all by those words that our worship is unrealistic or unconnected with daily living; they mean, rather, that in participation in that worship they have had a glimpse of something transcendent, more than merely human or natural, something able to give them a lifting of spirit and a deepening of their appreciation of life's significance.
Likewise, it is one thing to affirm that the sole standards of moral conduct are those implicit in human action itself, and quite another thing to deny with the humanist that our actions realize any will to good beyond the merely human and either require or admit of a transcendent justification.
Or to conclude that these are merely human understandings of God.
I said you won't find Jesus» stamp of approval of Paul's words to emphasize that Paul was merely a human being, not a god as extremists would have you think he was.
There, Paul unwinds a sixteen - chapter - long argument to drive home one essential point: No merely human institution — no matter how clever, pure, or sensitive to its members» «needs» — can remit a single, small sin.
@Feanor1: Exactly, and until we see each other as merely human, not American, European, Asian, Sikh, Muslem, Christian, Black or White this sort of crap will continue, and it will cause conflict of all sorts.
This view of faith seeks to reduce the power of God to a merely human technique.
If Aristotle insisted not only on the objectivity of truth but on the ability of the intellect of man to apprehend it, the French philosophe Jacques Rousseau denied this objectivity by ushering in what Cardinal Ratzinger called the «tyranny of relativism,» which gives the rationalization of homosexuality so much of its philosophical underpinning by arguing that natural law is merely a human construct and, as such, susceptible of subjective definition.
This is in part a pagan view which is content with a merely human measure and properly does not know what sin is, that all sin is before God.
All this is merely human talk, which never reaches the truth.
This self is no longer the merely human self but is what I would call, hoping not to be misunderstood, the theological self, the self directly in the sight of God.
The pagan and the natural man have as their measure the merely human self.
A legitimate philosophical anthropology must know that there is not merely a human species but also peoples, not merely a human soul but also types and characters, not merely a human life but also stages in life; only from the... recognition of the dynamic that exerts power within every particular reality and between them, and from the constantly new proof of the one in the many, can it come to see the wholeness of man.
We are still merely human, and so is the husband or bride we have just acquired.
In either case a merely human love is a closed system, like a river with no outlet to the sea.
The ascetic thus wants to be freed from a merely human way of looking at time as a cycle of work and rest, life and death.
So God changes, of course in a divine, not a merely human way.
They do this by elevating these biases to not being merely human biases but God's biases and then claiming that anything that God thinks is good by definition so the biases must be good and correct.
One's pre-understanding of the Bible either as God's infallibleWord or as merely human traditions from which both illuminating and distorting ideas come is critical to one's use of the Bible.
If there is any proposition upon which great minds have agreed throughout history, from Plato to Einstein and Whitehead, from Zoroaster, Ikhnaton, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Paul, the authors of the Vedic hymns, Confucius, Lao Tse, to many recent Indian and Japanese writers, it is that human life is not adequately interpretable in merely human terms.
It is obvious that if the Bible is handled as a merely human document, then its claims may be accepted or rejected, its teachings may be in agreement or disagreement with each other, its subject may or may not be found relevant to our belief today.
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