Sentences with phrase «merely human way»

The ascetic thus wants to be freed from a merely human way of looking at time as a cycle of work and rest, life and death.
So God changes, of course in a divine, not a merely human way.

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What ties together Shenk's different arguments is what I call the divine inversion — the many ways in which God acts contrary not merely to physical nature, but to what humans take to be the natural order of things in the social and political world.
Such repeated failure of human attempts to end war merely emphasizes the truth of Jeremiah's words: «I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong.
He will not require not merely that the new knowledge be used as the foundation of the proof, but that the very spirit and atmosphere of the new knowledge enter in such a way into thedemonstration of God's existence, that the complexities and confusions of human thought engendered by the new knowledge shall be resolved in harmonious unity in the postulate of God's existence, nature, and relation to created being.
We can, and the Incarnation then becomes a symbol that emphasizes in a beautiful way several important Christian themes: (1) that God is here with us, not in some far off dimension; (2) that God loves us so much as to come seeking us out; and (3) that God does not merely sympathize with us but rather shares in an important way in the human condition.
This insight explains the vehemence of his attack upon the German quest for the historical Jesus, just as it illuminates his behavior» during his first years at Lambaréné, when he ransacked the intellectual storehouses of the world's religions in order to find some way to conceive of an affirmation of the world that was not merely mindless hedonism, a way that could motivate a powerful urge toward human betterment, toward perfection within the structures of natural existence.
We prefer it merely out of habit, and because human relations work more smoothly when everybody talks the same way.
In the same way that courses in economics claiming merely to describe human beings as utility - maximizing individual actors in fact influence students to act more selfishly, so liberalism teaches a people to hedge commitments and adopt flexible relationships and bonds.
the truth of biblical religion is pure and not the problem»... I envy yr faith... human artifacts, especially religious narratives are rarely as pure as you might suggest... at best, I think the scriptures shld be a means and not an end, so in that sense need not be pure... they are merely signposts along the way... ultimately, we are the judges of what is pure or impure, higher or lower, right or wrong
If such talk is construed objectively, as asserting that God is in some way the object of human experience, the fact that «God» must be understood to express a nonempirical concept means that no empirical evidence can possibly be relevant to the question of whether the concept applies and that, therefore, God must be experienced directly rather than merely indirectly through first experiencing something else.
It is a long way from such an ideal of political activity to the actualities in which it is carried on; but it is essential to our human attempt to live together to see that the «game of politics» is not merely a necessary evil but that it has at its best a link with legitimate good.
12 Even on the assumption of a Vitalism of essentially higher principles of that kind, which raise the organic, as an intrinsically higher level of reality, above merely inorganic matter, and constitute biology as an independent science, and even if we regard the entelechy factor as simple and indivisible, there would only be an eductio e potentia materiae when a new living being came into existence, if we excluded creation in this case in the way it is exemplified in the human soul, though that is not very easy to prove, and at the same time rejected the not at all absurd supposition that in the generation of new life below the human level what happens is only the extension of the entelechial function of one and the same vital principle to a new position in space and time within inorganic matter.
If, as we have shown, the social phenomenon is not merely a blind determinism but the portent, the inception of a second phase of human Reflexion (this time not merely individual but collective), then it must mean that the phylum is reconstituting itself above our heads in a new form, a new ramification, no longer of divergence but of convergence; and consequently it is the Sense of Evolution which, suppressing the spirit of egoism, is of its own right springing to new life in our hearts, and in such a way as to counteract those elements in the forces of collectivization which are poisonous to Life.
The supernatural and merely human gifts she receives along the way are sufficient for her task, and those who seek a theologically astute way to engender hospitality will do well to take careful (and, I suspect, joyful) note.
For Dewey, of course, democracy was a «way of life» not merely a way of public life — an ideal that «must affect all modes of human association» — and he would not have accepted Rorty's contention that «there is no way to bring self - creation together with justice at the level of theory» for that would have required him to give up a principal article of democratic faith.
To maintain that the essential qualities of love are merely anthropomorphic ways of speaking about God questions whether God's love is truly love in any human understanding of the word.
In fact Compte (one of the founders of positivism) believed that the highest elevation of human civilazation is the point where people work together and merely through cmulative observed knowdeldge, free of any external forces, lay out the logical and proper way to live.
He did not merely copy Democritus» physics, as was commonly thought, but introduced the idea of spontaneity into the movement of the atoms, and to the Democritus world of inanimate nature ruled by mechanical laws he added a world of animate nature in which the human will operated.9 Marx thus favours the views of Epicurus for two reasons: firstly, his emphasis on absolute autonomy of the human spirit has freed human beings from all superstitions of transcendent objects; secondly, the emphasis on «free individual self - consciousness» shows one way of going beyond the system of a «total philosophy».
A way of framing Kant's categorical imperative is to insist that human agents, as makers of ends, can not be construed merely as means to another's ends, but must be accorded dignity.
The best way to describe these people, including and especially Ansel's second wife Sharla (Gena Gershon), is they are the epitome of trailer - park hicks who are not merely dysfunctional as a family, but even moreso as human beings.
Educators have their own ways of teaching and technology is merely a force that amplifies the human element of education.
So if humans can program machines to think in a meaningful way, they may just render human drivers not merely optional but obsolete.
However, once the Lunar Power System is much under way, we will also be able to start moving energy - using activities such as mining and heavy manufacturing to Space, further helping solve the overall «humans on Earth» problem, not merely the energy - climate part of it.
If the aim is merely to supplement the rights protected by the ECHR, then something other than withdrawal — or, for that matter, repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998 — would be the obvious way forward.
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