Sentences with phrase «merits of the policy»

Indeed, there is a robust debate about merits of the policy.
To isolate the intrinsic merits of a policy it is necessary to eliminate the confounding effects of those other factors.
The relative merits of these policies are discussed here: The Way Forward — Education Tax Credits or Vouchers?
Contacted prospective clients and informed them about features and merits of the policies offered
This piece lets us know where Davidoff stands on FTTs, it doesn't provide much information on the merits of the policy.
I don't argue the merits of the policy.
Political parties are showing essentially no interest in the merits of a policy proposal
Political parties are showing essentially no interest in the merits of a policy proposal beyond its potential as an element of some shrewd communications strategy.
Its role is to examine public expenditure not on the merits of any policy but «on value - for - money criteria which are based on economy, effectiveness and efficiency».
But here I am just arguing the politics of it, rather than the merits of the policy.
Yesterday, de Blasio made it clear that advocates have yet to convince him of the merits of the policy.
Though he famously feuds with de Blasio (and some believe Cuomo's positioning is driven more by spite than the merits of policy), the simple fact of the governor's involvement is, nevertheless, striking.
That Lazio has not captured the GOP heart on the merits of his policies bodes ill for his ability to defeat Albany's entrenched interests, not to mention win over power players like Democrat Silver.
Given that this is meant to be very targeted public expenditure with measurable results, the question of exactly how these families are selected is relevant to discussion of the merits of the policy.
But DHS Commissioner Seth Diamond stressed that the decision focused on the way the city went about implementing the policy — not the merits of the policy itself.
Whatever the merit of these policies, foundations lack the political resources to achieve them without genuine constituents who will fight for them independent of foundation funding.
Rather than delve into an analysis of our or her motivations, we should stick to the evidence on the merits of the policy.
But it is up to the rest of us to consider what light the fact of his misrepresentation sheds on the merits of policies he advocates.
If you're going to have a debate on party policy and on taking the party down a new path, you introduce a policy far in advance in a leadership race, where the merits of the policy can be debated.
Naperville renters of all ages and stations in life should seriously consider the merits of a policy that delivers tremendous and varied protection while only costing a relatively small price.
For example, if a decision has been made to continue with a particular activity, the government should clearly explain that they are seeking input on the design and implementation of the policy, rather than the merits of the policy itself.
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