Sentences with phrase «messiness of life»

That an online advertising campaign, targeting everyone, would incorporate a Jewish holiday is significant, says Rabbi Irwin Kula, author of «Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life
Good times happened there, painful tough discussions happened there; all of the beautiful messiness of life.
It is what helped make me see what a real woman was, what real love looked like, what messiness of life looks like.
Pitching from sculpture, to collage, to photography, and painting, her work draws on the detailed messiness of life, but her skillful abstraction of the elements erases their previous meaning to produce a work that is open to interpretation each time it is encountered.
But as I finish visually consuming them, as any spectator does, sadness is not what defines my mood, but the strangely mundane post-orgasmic feeling that the day must go on without any great drama because these artists have successfully portrayed the often inevitable emotional and physical messiness of life.
The messiness of life isn't welcome.
This means entering into their pain and confusion, and even the messiness of life.
Caught up in the messiness of life, in search of a brief flourishing before we are replaced by others essentially like us, we are most ourselves when united in a bond of friendship.
As you say, theological and controversial posts tend to get more comments, but practical posts like this about loving others in the messiness of their lives often do not get many comments.
The Caesarea Philippi event occurs at roughly the midpoint of the story, intimating that it is our story now, in the midst of the messiness of our lives.
If we love those around us, we will be able to help them (and be helped) through the messiness of life.
This is a group of people who help each other through the pain and messiness of life.
After about an hour of eating and chatting, we moved to the living room and sat on couches where we introduced ourselves (for the several new people that were there), and then discussed that the way of following Jesus was not upward mobility, but downward mobility, into the muck and messiness of life.
The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of Faith by Ken Wytsma
Grace took the wheel in the form of three generations of women tackling the messiness of life together, and learning from one another of what we are capable.
It was the moment I stopped shutting Sophia out, it was the moment I decided we would face the messiness of life together.
Sophia's behavior improved once we stopped trying so hard to shield her from the messiness of life, which of course meant we stopped trying so hard to shield ourselves.
Hill's The Driver, Friedkin's To Live And Die In L.A. and Mann's Thief relocated Melville's archetypal lone - wolf, a professional forced to fight for control by the messiness of life, to America's urban jungle and provided Hollywood with a new template for its thrillers.
While investigating her father's affair, Dana starts one of her own with her old college hookup (Finn Wittrock), but the film doesn't fault her for her decision; it illustrates the messiness of life in general and how we get caught up in the moment.
This novel will leave you appreciating both the messiness of life and the immense depths of love.»
«He really wanted to deal with the messiness of life,» said Fine.
I write about the beauty and messiness of life.
Not to mention, many therapist do what they do because they have had similar struggles and hardships and they know what it's like to be alone in the messiness of life.
Maybe that feeling is important in brand new relationships, but in a longer - term relationship, I've learned it's more about how you care for each other through the messiness of life, and whether or not you choose to stick it out with this person another day.
Reaching out for help while you are in the messiness of life can be even harder.
It doesn't shy away from the messiness of life and its consequences.
This often requires practicing acceptance of the inherent uncertainty of life, imperfection of themselves and others, and the messiness of living in a human body with all of its flaws and limitations.
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