Sentences with phrase «metal choke collar»

You get a little bit better control with a metal choke collar versus a cloth type.
Doing that with this collar or with a metal choke collar will damage the throat of your dog.

Not exact matches

Made entirely of metal chain, choke collars are a combination of a standard collar and the feature of a martingale collar where it tightens when tugged.
This unique Martingale puppy choke collar doesn't use any metal at all except for the O - rings — the entire
But ensure you remove any collars that are made of metal, like choke or pinch collars.
For example, a more modern version of the choke collar is the pinch collar, which has a similar design but is made of interlinking metal parts.
For the same reason, never leave a choke collar — whether nylon or metal — on an unsupervised dog.
Slip collars (commonly called choke chain or check chains) are made of metal links or rolled material such as nylon or leather.
Martingale collars work much the same way as a choke collar without metal against the dog's skin and with the soft fabric or nylon creating the pull rather than a metal chain.
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