Sentences with phrase «metaphorical reference»

This is the assumed metaphorical reference for everything that follows.
These disruptive narratives serve as metaphorical references to the death and regeneration of natural processes.
Amongst the exhibiting artists, there are also quite a few cross-cultural experiences at play, which add another layer to the complex metaphorical references; for example, Alzbeta Jaresova is from the Czech Republic but now lives in London, and Miyuki Okuyama is from Japan but now lives in Arnhem.
As you can see, Paul is making a metaphorical reference to the different glory of the stars.
The term is widely used figuratively to convey the covering up of an act or an object that is embarrassing or distasteful with something of innocuous appearance, a metaphorical reference to the Biblical Book of Genesis, in which Adam and Eve used fig leaves to cover their nudity after eating the fruit from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Altogether, Ray's work negotiates both material and metaphorical references to the body as a fragile, yet resiliant vehicle equally capable of desire, lust, pain, and sorrow.
The show's title is a metaphorical reference to both the «eureka» moments and the smaller inspirational steps forward that are experienced by every artist; all of which are significant and of relevance to the continual growth and development of the true artistic voice of each creative individual.
Despite their beauty and metaphorical references, the work insistently returns to its identity as painting and its place in the history of painters who have worked with this vocabulary including Morris Louis, Mark Rothko, Larry Poons and Helen Frankenthaler.
All of us will likely appreciate NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® President Pat Vredevoogd Combs's metaphorical reference to the membership — a «beautifully diverse mosaic of proud professionalism and consumer protection and service» — in her introduction to the 2007 Code of Ethics in this issue.
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