Sentences with phrase «methane digester»

A methane digester is a device that breaks down organic waste, such as plants or animal manure, in a controlled environment to produce methane gas. The methane gas can then be used as an energy source for heating or generating electricity. Full definition
Initial estimates show that if farmers were to install methane digesters on two - thirds of the dairies in California, this could offset the negative atmospheric impact of one million cars.
NativeEnergy helped the Saylor family install an anaerobic methane digester on their dairy farm.
Innovation in our food system: methane digesters make electricity from cow manure.
Could we get people to install methane digesters in their backyards?
With the help of NativeEnergy, Noblehurst Dairy Farm in Linwood, New York, constructed an anaerobic methane digester for manure conversion and on - farm electricity generation.
In addition, 34 percent of Grande Cheese's milk supply is produced with renewable power such as from methane digesters.
The Brubaker Farm methane digester produces renewable energy.
New Hope Dairy, which has 1,500 cows in Sacramento County, installed a $ 4 million methane digester in 2013, thanks to state grants and a partnership with California Biogas LLC, which operates the system to generate renewable power for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
To put that into perspective, if two - thirds of California dairies added methane digesters to their manure management practices, the reduction in emissions would be the equivalent of taking about one million passenger vehicles off the road, according to Straus Family Creamery's calculations.
The company, based just outside Columbia, has installed more than 600 methane digesters around the world, 250 of them in the United States.
Reduced food waste restricts available organic waste feedstocks, impacting composting, waste - to - energy, large - scale methane digesters and landfill methane capture in the Energy Sector.
By purchasing Help Build ™ carbon offsets, our customers provided critical upfront funding for this innovative methane digester — benefiting both the environment and local farmers.
State regulators want more farmers to reduce emissions with methane digesters, which capture methane from manure in large storage tanks and convert the gas into electricity.
You, being the responsible owner, break out the biodegradable plastic bag you brought and pick it up, and throw it the Park Spark Methane Digester.
At the farm, use of anaerobic methane digesters that convert the methane from cow manure into electricity are being used.
Central Sands is a highly sustainable operation that provides fertilizer to grow grain and alfalfa to support the cattle and features a methane digester that creates enough energy to power more than 900 homes in the area.
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That being said, what's the «methane digester» in the title?
Albert Straus — who runs the operation — says they're committed to sustainable production at every level, from the way they cultivate their pastures to feed their cows, to the methane digester they use to produce their energy, to the reusable glass bottles they use to package the milk.
The methane digester makes electricity from the manure of Straus Creamery cows.
On the Straus farm, the cows» waste is turned into electricity via a methane digester.
Straus» methane digester has been powering his farm since 2004, fueling his all - electric Toyota RAV4 and Nissan Leaf plus smaller farm vehicles and machinery.
For more than a dozen years, his Marshall - based organic dairy Straus Family Farm, has made power from cow poop, courtesy of a methane digester that turns methane gas from milk - making animals into electricity.
The resulting innovations include a methane digester, which converts cow waste into renewable energy; a carbon farming program, designed to measure and optimize carbon capture; and an extensive water - reuse system, which recycles waste water from the Creamery.
The methane digester on the Straus Organic Dairy Farm captures methane in the digested manure from approximately 300 cows.
A large portion of the carbon farm plan (about 80 % or 1650 metric tons of CO2e) is mitigated through methane destruction from the methane digester.
Operating since 2004, the methane digester provides enough renewable energy to power the entire dairy farm, charge Albert Straus» electric car and other farm vehicles.
At the dairy farm, the methane digester captures methane (a greenhouse gas) from the cows» manure and transforms it into electricity.
The methane digester project is being pursued through the Regional economic Development Council as a cost - saving measure for Kraft & as well as the Walton school district, to save on heating costs paid by area taxpayers.
Crouch said that there are 150 local jobs as well as a methane digester project being pursued by the Village of Walton at stake.
Methane digesters, which biologically convert manure to methane and capture it as an energy source, should be a high priority for larger farm operations, Thoma said.
«Methane digesters have great potential as a way to capture and utilize methane, which is natural gas, that is otherwise lost to the atmosphere,» he said.
NativeEnergy focuses on projects that deliver strong environmental and social benefits, like wind farms that provide revenue to local communities and methane digesters that keep family farms in business.
The resulting innovations include a methane digester, which converts cow waste into renewable energy; a carbon farming program, designed to measure and optimize carbon capture; and an extensive water - reuse system, which recycles waste water from the Creamery.
Environmental Fabrics is building the methane digester that officials say will produce enough electricity to power 90 South Carolina homes.
The methane digester will be built on a Williamsburg County hog farm and the electricity generated will be used by customers of Santee Cooper, the state - owned utility.
Our clients have brought wind farms to schools, methane digesters to family farms, and renewable energy to Native American tribes.
Nestled in the foothills of the Cascades, the agricultural community near Enumclaw, Washington, has been organizing to build a methane digester for nearly a decade.
NativeEnergy helped install a methane digester on the Mains Dairy Farm in southern Pennsylvania.
NativeEnergy is helping the community of Enumclaw, Washington, build an energy - producing methane digester.
The methane digester was expected to generate approximately 1,500 kWh / day, which would be used to power farm operations.
NativeEnergy helped the Wanner family build a methane digester that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and produces surplus renewable energy.
The methane digester on the Straus Organic Dairy Farm captures methane in the digested manure from approximately 300 cows.
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