Sentences with phrase «method of analysis»

Each method has a unique way of working with different methods of analysis of the market.
This fact is especially true when new methods of analysis are introduced.
Top - down analysis is a particular method of analysis that refers to the studying of the information from the whole picture and then analyzing it in more specified components and smaller details.
But the answer will be much more satisfying if our study includes careful methods of analysis and interpretation, with due regard to the historical and literary contexts and the genre being used.
However, the links between air pollution and health remain, no matter which method of analysis is used.
Of course methods of analysis data will change and I hope it continues to improve.
Clearly, we will generate more accurate numbers if we use the same method of analysis for all audits.
Following from the above, do you often find that the requirements i.e. time constraints, from the legal profession could alter your own method of analysis?
Assist in the microscopic, chemical, physical instrumental and quantitative methods of analysis of biological evidence.
New genetic data and new methods of analysis are finally allowing us to approach these questions.
Professor Edwin Southern moved to Oxford in 1985 to take up the post of the Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry and in 1988 introduced methods of analysis using oligonucleotide arrays or «DNA Chips».
Steve Sherwood, chief investigator for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and lead author for the study, explained that he and his colleague Nidhi Nishant used improved methods of analysis and more recent data to reexamine radiosondes, or the global weather balloon network.
Using highly developed methods of analysis such as laser mass spectrometry and speciation analysis, Müller's team examined not just hairs but also samples from Ötzi's nails, skin and organs for possible heavy metal contamination.
These conflicting findings may result from geographic differences in organic production regulations governing antimicrobial usage, use of antimicrobials in conventional dairy production, and baseline prevalence, as well as laboratory methods, study designs, or methods of analysis employed.
Dr. Reimer and his team decided to establish a novel in vitro platform to analyse zebrafish OPCs independently of the body, as this enables better control over the cells and opens up the possibility for novel methods of analysis.
Services include: consultation with investigators to chose the best method of analysis; sample preparation, assay design and processing of the most used methods to study DNA methylation, both gene - specific and genome - wide (PyroMeth, RRBS and Methyl - Seq); and assessment of global DNA methylation by pyrosequencing methylation analysis of repetitive elements (LINE - 1 and Alu repeats).
«In conclusion, our data - obtained using sophisticated and validated methods of analyses - strongly suggest that glyphosate does not bioaccumulate and is not present in human milk even when the mother has detectable glyphosate in her urine,» McGuire said.
We look to widen the lens on how we evaluate our investments, taking into account environmental, social and governance criteria and looking beyond traditional methods of analysis to incorporate the sustainability factors.
The best thing about the book, though, are the stories of being in the thick of the action and making high - pressure decisions using proven methods of analysis — methods that you can adapt for your own use.
The Mirtoselect ® validated HPLC method of analysis that quantifies all the anthocyanins present in both plant material and in the extract can be also applied for the analysis of commercial finished formulations.
Although their study employs statistically rigorous methods of analysis, the researchers caution that their results are based on observational data.
«The latter is especially useful to assess the degree of ripeness as with current methods of analysis further assessment in a laboratory is usually required,» says Ramón Martínez Máñez, researcher at the Centre for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM)-- Universitat Politècnica de València.
What the researchers do agree on is the need to keep defining the toxicity of each of these harmful substances, studying their effects on health and developing more and more exact methods of analysis.
Biological systems generate a huge amount of information that requires a flexible method of analysis.
These new data emerge from new tools and methods, including personal sensors that capture individual exposures; advanced computational techniques for estimating chemical exposures in the absence of exposure - measurement data for humans; transgenic animals used to investigate specific exposure questions; and multi-omics methods of analysis that have transformed molecular epidemiology by investigating the underlying biological factors that often complement empirical observations.
«But in recent years we've developed much more sensitive methods of analysis that allow us to see which genes are active in individual cells.
Michael Angelo, MD, PhD Stanford University Stanford, CA In Situ Methods of Analysis of Tumor Microenvironment
In particular, Cameron uses quasi-experimental methods of analysis to examine how American governments at the local, state, and federal levels invest in inputs to K - 12 public education, the largest public expenditure at the state and local levels.
«School of Financial Trading and Financial Management» teaches traders basic methods of analysis and trading on financial markets.
Hence, it is crucial to combine candlestick patterns with other methods of analysis.
Aging bull markets have a way of encouraging the abuse of what otherwise might be acceptable methods of analysis.
And have dissected the flawed method of analysis and communictaion many times before.
Whatever method of analysis is used, it is clear Passive House is affordable and, in almost all cases, cheaper to own and operate than conventional construction of comparable quality.
PubSub, using their Linkranks method of analysis, has just opened up a series of community lists to help gauge popularity within different blogging communities.
I also determine the correct method of analysis, and choose which filtering tools to use.
Using a time - sequential method of analysis, results indicated that marital conflict was indirectly predictive of physical health 2 years later, with depressive symptoms fully mediating this relationship for husbands and wives.
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