Sentences with phrase «methods of doing things»

So, a data architect must be a researcher with keen eye for innovation and learning new methods of doing things
Teach and learn about different methods of doing things, communicating, and make everyone feel involved at all times.
What government designs do you have in mind that were inspired by government's own «desires», as distinct from what the legal profession has wanted or what was in direct line of descent from traditional methods of doing things?
Suddenly it was all about drug delivery vehicles and faster desktop computers instead of figuring out first principles or general creative methods of doing things.
Although many mothers will have their own methods of doing things when it comes to weaning, there are a few tips and tricks you should keep in mind when wondering when to start the process.
that Thibs sees it as his methods of doing things as a total hardass have gotten him to the position of POBO / coach of an NBA organization, so why change?
While each has its own method of doing things, exchanges generally fall into one of three different categories:
I think I unknowingly adopted a baby - centered method of doing things since it was the path of least resistance.
It's by far easier to torque the fastener down using a torque wrench and in most applications, this is an adequate method of doing things.
The co-op will also have an influence on the single - player and give players an alternate method of doing things.
While each has its own method of doing things, exchanges generally fall into one of three different categories:
Just filling in the blanks, essentially, is using the «order - taking» method of doing things.

Not exact matches

Do a thorough audit of your job, and question why you do things a certain way, then look for a replacement method that might save timDo a thorough audit of your job, and question why you do things a certain way, then look for a replacement method that might save timdo things a certain way, then look for a replacement method that might save time.
If you're not using a method of communication that gives notifications and prompts immediate responses, then you want to minimize the number of emails needed to get things done.
As Charles Francis Adams put it, his own industry's «method of doing business is founded upon lying, cheating, and stealing: all bad things
Learn the company's way of doing things, and if you see a more efficient method, let them know.
However, one of the things you should definitely consider when choosing a broker is what payment methods does it support.
His methods are NOT recommended — he liquidated his 401K, he did a lot of things that were illegal, or borderline illegal.
atoms... all brought about by the scientific method have evidence as to their the reason why things are the way they are... NOT god... in EVERY instance god has proven not to be what it is... the reason a volcano explodes is not because the wrath of god is upon a community... we understand the process behind the event but we didn't always KNOW that.
We as humans either know anger... gentleness / love or hate... peace or anxiety... we as humans can not understand that God is all of those things at the same time because to us it is not possbile... His emotions are way beyond are ability to understand... and when we don't understand we decide to discredit it... we decide if we can't apply the «scientic method» to God then He can't be real.
In particular, the denial that epistemology is wholly prior to ontology; the denial that we can have an absolutely certain starting point; the idea that those elements of experience thought by most people to be primitive givens are in fact physiologically, personally, and socially constructed; the idea that all of our descriptions of our observations involve culturally conditioned interpretations; the idea that our interpretations, and the focus of our conscious attention, are conditioned by our purposes; the idea that the so - called scientific method does not guarantee neutral, purely objective, truths; and the idea that most of our ideas do not correspond to things beyond ourselves in any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itself).
Those guy with this «The Way of the Master» method are we could say the «extreme» of a way of thinking, and a way of doing things.
With this method, we have not simply done away with linguistic clutter, we have made the positive assertion that the ultimate «simple» or constituents of things experienced are neither the objects of common sense nor the «scientific» objects of physical theory (electrons, quarks, and the like).
There is no such thing as a Christian method, or code, or set of rules that would apply to the whole realm of human life in order to tell us at each step what is the proper way to do things.
There are all sorts of things you an do, bilateral oophorectomy for one thing, works like a charm, or hysterectomy, or vasectomy, or even trifecta birth control methods (why settle on just one).
All religions (Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Evolution, etc.) are all based on faith in things that can not be proven by the scientific method (e.g., God created the universe / where did God come from, we are all the end result of a lightning strike in an ancient mud puddle / where did energy and mass come from, etc..)
'' That tells people that I am at least intelligent enough to require proof of existence» = > It does no such thing as you can not claim nor do you have evidence as to what is beyond measurement or accountability by accepted scientific method.
To be sure, all these things will be done, and therefore ought to be done with skill, imagination, and method, but at its best the history of religions goes beyond any one of these functions.
That democracy can be made to work, that by the scientific method we can gain mastery over the latent resources of the universe, that trial by jury is practicable, that torture is a foolish method of seeking evidence in the courts, that chattel slavery is a failure — such things we take for granted, not because we individually are wiser than our forebears, who disbelieved them all, but because we share in a social tradition which we did not even help to create, but which has shaped and conformed our thinking with irresistible power.
I did my usual thing of not quite reading the ingredients or in this case the method quite well enough beforehand, and did not realise that it required a food processor which I do not have, to bind together the sweet potato and dates.
What to do when you're «over» the traditional method of preparing things — like baked sweet potatoes — and feeling uninspired?
As for the microwaves damaging your food, it does so no more than any other cooking method (all heating of food will damage proteins and enzymes, but your stomach does the same thing!
i can't waste a thing in my garden and have found that this method of roasting in the oven [or on the bbq if it's a hot day and you don't want to heat up your house] and then pureeing is the best!
Many in the food industry put an emphasis on high - tech methods, but sometimes the tried - and - true ways of doing things just can't be beat.
This method is also good because my mother never has to go shopping in the middle of the week and therefore doesn't spend money on impulse buying and doesn't buy things she doesn't need.
And we have a Prime Minister who seized the leadership of the Liberal Party by opposing the best method of trying to do something about it and who appoints advisers who believe the whole thing is a plot by the United Nations to undermine democracy.
This trend, along with the sheer un-Mourinhoness of this season, suggests that while his methods may be generally excellent, he doesn't quite know how to fix things when they go wrong.
It was never about knowing more than the manager, or thinking you have some greater knowledge of the game, his squad, or his methods, but just because we're fans doesn't mean we don't know things.
Conventional wisdom would have it that Mourinho left behind a group of his most trusted lieutenants embedded deep within Chelsea, tasked with one mission alone — to keep the Mourinho method the de facto way of doing things and passive - aggressively wreck the ambitions of any new manager seeking to do away with the old.
The main thing I like about the babyled weaning method is that it makes eating solids not a set goal that can be done a right way or a wrong way, but instead a process of going from baby - who - drinks - milk - only to child - who - eats - food in a slow and self - paced way.
But in the long run these parenting methods actually make things harder because they don't address the underlying emotional cause of the behaviour.
Because you can start this method of training when your baby is very young — in theory from birth - by the time your baby is ready to sleep through the night, they can have already learned how to put themselves to sleep, the only remaining thing to be done is to drop the middle of the night feed.
Not only have I tried her methods in the past and found them to be quite effective, but I found that some of her methods in her latest book were things I was already doing and have worked very well for us!
There are different schools of thought on storing Parmesan cheese so it doesn't get moldy, but one good method is to moisten a piece of cheesecloth or a paper towel and wrap it around the cheese, then wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil and store it in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.
⇒ Acclimating Your Dog to Your Baby's Routines ⇒ Acclimating Your Dog to Your Baby's Things ⇒ Five Step Positive Proaction Problem Prevention Plan ⇒ What Do You Know About Dogs and Baby Quiz and Answer Key ⇒ Your Dog's Evaluation and Scoring Tool ⇒ Body Language of Dogs Illustrated Guide ⇒ Evaluating Your Dog's Routines — As They Are, How They Need to Change ⇒ Bringing Baby Home Instructions and Checklist ⇒ What To Do When — Troubleshooting Guide ⇒ Warning Signs of Potential Problems ⇒ How to Use the Lure - Reward Method of Training ⇒ Additional Resources ⇒ Guidelines for Choosing a Dog Trainer ⇒ Answers to Common Questions and Problems
I knew because of my baby's disposition and our past attempt that CIO would work for him (he is definitely too tenacious for gradual methods like Pantley's), but I did things a little differently this time.
Things like, «Parents don't need to be in bondage to their baby's sleep needs,» and «None of the sleep manipulation methods offer any healthy advantages» and «Why use sleep association props in the first place, when a basic routine will naturally enhance restful sleep?»
These will give you a good overview of Satter's methods, the Division of Responsibility, the amount of day - to - day food intake your daughter actually needs (it's less than you probably think), and help you understand why many of the things we parents do at mealtimes backfire on us so spectacularly.
Hospitals do need to reform a lot of their methods, especially in cases where things are clearly going well.
One more thing before we get started: you can start doing this homework for children of any age (minus the lovey) and for almost any method you use, even some cosleeping lifestyles.
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