Sentences with phrase «methods study uses»

This descriptive, mixed methods study uses survey data from turnaround leaders in all 50 states and in - depth interviews with eight intentionally selected state leaders to launch a discussion about how states support district turnaround efforts.
The quantitative portion of this mixed methods study used a true experimental design.

Not exact matches

In a large review of studies published in the Journal of Nutrition, Purdue University scientists found that whole tree nuts and peanuts have roughly 15 % fewer calories than the figure calculated using the Atwater method.
An Aberdeen Group study revealed organizations using democratized methods had 30 percent higher levels of customer retention and revenue increases as large as 55 percent.
The study authors noted, however, that these numbers don't reflect the effectiveness of one method over another, but rather how widespread their use was.
Another possible method would be to use the wage categories from the employment equity studies.
They spread up to 190 times more of a noninfectious test virus used in the study than the other methods.
The study's authors say they used the same methods researchers developed in a 2009 report titled «State and Local Government Sales Tax Revenue Losses from Electronic Commerce,» compiled by business professors at the University of Tennessee.
A new study finds that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand - and - deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so - called active learning methods.
The methodology utilized was similar to the method used by Fabius et al7 in the 2013 CHAA study.
In fact, 42 percent of millennials have used methods like payday loans as a way of dealing with debt, according to a recent study by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at George Washington University.
In this webcast, the performance of the HTG EdgeSeq miRNA Whole Transcriptome Assay (WTA) is evaluated using the samples and methods from the miRQC study.
As a result, many studies have failed to establish the reliability of this theory, and it should therefore only be used in conjunction with other methods, not alone.
Other crucial discoveries that were made under the study include 281 apps that collected the location or contact data of children without asking for permission from parents, and 1,100 apps that shared persistent identifying information that can be used for behavioral advertising methods that are banned to be used on children.
Using standard statistical methods, it was found that the average sales advantage for the ESOP firms in the study was $ 44,500, or an average of an 8.8 % sales per employee advantage over their non-ESOP counterparts in the same industry and of the same size; 2.)
This seminal study used modern analytic methods to validate the findings of Cowles and Jones.
The study also considered an estimate of the waste dumps which was performed using the Inverse distance squared method.
A secular astronomer and a Jesuit astronomer study the exact same natural phenomena and draw the same scientific conclusions using the same strict scientific method.
In upholding the prohibition against artificial methods of birth control, the encyclical dashed the hopes of many believers for a change in church teaching — hopes that had been raised when the National Catholic Reporter leaked the news that the lay and clerical members of the hand - picked papal commission studying the matter had voted decisively to support the limited use of artificial contraception within the context of marriage.
The use of historical - critical method within modern historiography has met with opposition on theological grounds: would not two methods of studying history necessarily involve two classes of historical reality?
The alternative method, often used by scholars, considers one epoch of Biblical religion at a time, presenting the entire complex of ideas which characterized that era, and then moves on to study the next succeeding epoch as a whole.
Ideally, this social reflection on preaching is part of a larger congregational process using such resources as Holland and Henriot, Social Wino try, especially 95 - 112; Hessel, Social Ministry, especially 121 -23; Carroll, Dudley and McKinney, Handbook for Congregational Studies, especially chapter 6, «Methods for Congregational Studies,» 153 - 78.
But the answer will be much more satisfying if our study includes careful methods of analysis and interpretation, with due regard to the historical and literary contexts and the genre being used.
There was a time when, in the early days of New Testament study, it was assumed that by the use of critical method «the quest for the historical Jesus» would be rewarded by a portrayal of that historical figure exactly as he was.
There is no distinctive «theological method» that must be used to make all inquiries into all subject matters studied in a theological school genuinely theological.
Because one guy, know to not have the correct studies and use very skeptical methods made a comment in a dialogue.
The methods used in the study were, he wrote, «close to best practice.»
The fragmenting methods that created the Enlightenment Bible are the same tools used to study it, and further to dissolve it.
Theology needs to make use of newly developed methods of studying the future and the projections that follow from them.
Since Marx himself has not developed it, we shall examine this important concept by using an indirect method by means of the study of Marx's humanism.
Furthermore, such inquiry is disciplined in the sense that it is highly self - conscious about the methods that are used to establish the truth about whatever is under study.
The only reliable way of learning this is by using the accepted methods of historical study.
Cnaan's research involves multiple cities, though he does not use identical methods in studying them.
Our study of theology is primarily historical, and the historical methods we use are highly relativizing.
One side effect of the research I've done in writing the book, is that when somebody presents 10K verses to support their claim, I can write a short reply: «Thank you for providing so much scriptural support that conclusively proves my position, and demonstrates that your position has no basis in scripture», and, if challenged, go through each cited verse, and, using one or more specific techniques / methods of Bible study, show how the cited verse either refutes the position they present, or supports the position I present.
Some church consultants — for instance, those of the London - based Grubb Institute of Behavioral Studies — again use a mechanist approach to the congregation, but with more attention to organicist methods than Schaller employs.
One method used that he considered very effective was the study of the religious response to a good not our own in previous ages, not only through the study of philosophy and theology, but art, literature, hymnody.
We need to identify the methods of inquiry that should be used in the study of congregations.
They call for increased use of case study teaching methods and of the practicum, for more attention to pressing social issues, for more deliberate globalization of the context of teaching, and for more care to teach students and not simply to teach subject matters.8
The method is historical and phenomenological: You can study and teach what all these people used to think (history) or how they now behave (the phenomenological account of ritual, ethical systems, kinship relations, etc.).
Today Protestant, Catholic and Jewish scholars are united in the historical - critical study of the Bible and the use of the comparative method, which has given us a vastly enlarged understanding of the Bible, its background and its meaning.
Dreweke pointed to a study detailing the increased use of long - acting reversible contraceptives (such as IUDs and implants) among teens; although the study was only conducted among women who already used contraception, the efficacy of longer - acting contraceptives is higher than those of other birth control methods.
From the beginning to the end of his thinking and writing Marx made use of Hegel's dialectical method, and he continued to urge his followers to study Hegel.
I use methods of Bible study that rely on seeing the pattern in 1,3,5,11, without explicitly saying that it is there, or what it is.
She identifies five methods used by religious educators: case study, gestalt, phenomenology, narrative, and conscientizing.
To some it is a sort of Cooke's tour in world religions, in the sense that various aspects of religions are depicted and studied, using the comparative method.
I'm ok with teaching creationism in a religious studies class or even a history class but not a science classroom where scientific method is used.
These two studies used different methods, surveyed different kinds of congregations and involved different cities, so we should not be surprised that the results differ.
Several years ago, I discovered Mark Batterson when I was studying churches that were using creative methods for communicating the Gospel in today's culture.
Early Christianity certainly deserves to be studied by the historian of religions, and by other students who use his methods.
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