Sentences with phrase «metrics of the car like»

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Preliminary estimates indicate the converted farm prevents the production of greenhouse gases equivalent to 5,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide a year — like taking some 1,000 cars off the road.
This study does not reveal why iron use has leveled off, though Mller suspects things like the substitution of lightweight aluminum for steel in cars, but it does reveal a glaring hole in how the U.S. is dealing with its scrap iron: 77 million metric tons of iron leave use every year, but only 57 million metric tons reach the recycling stage (and only 42 million metric tons make it back into use).
But the little Prius wins big in fuel economy, so how much you like the car will greatly depend on the importance of that metric.
Compared with standard coolers and vending machines, the coolers emit approximately 4,000 fewer metric tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which the company says is like «taking more than 19,000 cars off the road for two weeks.»
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