Sentences with phrase «micro view»

They suggest macro and micro views of nature, or of the man - made.
In a highly detailed micro view, we see the blue, green and red dye layers that bond with silver salts to create color - sensitive crystals.
In a vacillating process between macro and micro views of painted landscapes and incidental spaces, Khorramian explores discarded material and chance outcomes as a creative strategy for storytelling.
The silver lining for the Pollyannas out there and those with longer memory is that if you zoom out from a quarterly to annual perspective, things don't look as dire as they do in the micro view.
The Centre for Economic Performance paper by Louis - Philippe Beland and Richard Murphy, that gave rise to an article in the Guardian claiming that banning mobile phones in schools raises the performance of pupils, is a classic example of the danger of taking a micro view of a macro phenomenon.
Thinking of the micro view of feedback, how do you go about choosing the words you use to give feedback to teachers?
Take a moment to remind yourself that there are three views of feedback, introduced in Chapter 3: the micro view (what are the content and characteristics of the feedback?)
Obviously, most of the time my conclusion is «no change», but then a gradual / sudden shift in my overall macro / risk view, and / or my micro view on the stock and its price, will prompt a (sometimes significant) change in my portfolio allocation.
From the micro view of waterfalls, fully realized with the textural imprint of paint, Steir's subjects have recently expanded, metaphorically, to include infinite space.
This range in scale and shape reflect the artist's interest in both the macro and micro view of nature.
Soriano's exploratory use of simultaneous multiple perspectives both in his «sprays», the installations, and his drawings, make use of: macro and micro views, birds - eye and one - point perspective, transparent and opaque information, and interior vs. exteriority to confound reasons insistence on objective truth.
We do need a more macro approach to addressing legal technology, but in some parts of the country, the micro view is needed too.
There are two sides to every story of course, and the examination of these cases didn't drill down to the individual lawyer level, to see whether the micro view was as rosy as the macro.
By strategizing from the top down, you will have both a macro and a micro view of your responsibilities on the project.
Yet it's in this micro view where the business «game» is won or lost.
You also need the micro view as well.
We support lender competition and see the industry from a macro view versus a micro view Mortgage Bankers are required to comply with inside their company.
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