Sentences with phrase «microbial community composition»

We observed differences in microbial community composition between vaginally delivered and cesarean - delivered infants that were comparable or slightly greater than the largest differences associated with feeding.
High levels of fiber and toxins in leaves make gut microbial fermentative activity essential to howler nutrition, and based on studies with other mammals, it is possible that differences in gut microbial community composition allow groups of howlers in different habitats to take advantage of distinct resources to fuel the same activities.
We characterized the intestinal microbiome of 102 6 - week - old infants and observed independent associations between stool microbial community composition, mode of delivery, and feeding method.
Principal Coordinate Plots Comparing Microbial Community Composition Between Delivery Mode and Feeding Method Groups
[uncorrected proof] Using pseudoalignment and base quality to accurately quantify microbial community composition — Mark Reppell — PLOS Computational Biology
To investigate variation in gut microbial community composition within a species, we collected fecal samples from five groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Mexico over an eight - week period (May - July 2009).
Microbial community composition along a 50,000 year lacustrine sediment sequence.
The processes of carbon release are intertwined with multiple factors, including microbial community composition, stability of old carbon, physical soil structure, and relative fraction of leaching to atmospheric emission.
Effects of ocean acidification on microbial community composition of, and oxygen fluxes through, biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef
Still, he adds, «there's a lot more basic biology that will need to be worked out to fully appreciate the mechanisms that cause sweeteners to alter gut microbial community composition and function, and how in turn this shapes host metabolism.»
These include depletion of microbially accessible carbon pools, reductions in microbial biomass, a shift in microbial carbon use efficiency, and changes in microbial community composition.
Preliminary analyses indicate that differences in gut microbial community composition are related to the environment each group inhabits.
Shifts in dissolved organic matter and microbial community composition are associated with enhanced removal of fecal pollutants in urban stormwater wetlands — Xiao Huang — Water Research
0732917 McCormick, M. LARISSA: Impact of ice - shelf loss on geochemical profiles and microbial community composition in marine sediments of the Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
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