Sentences with phrase «microbial dark matter»

Our group is trying to fill that gap by doing genomic exploration of microbial dark matter.
«Extreme environments generally contain a lot of unknown microorganisms, which we refer to as microbial dark matter,» says Jimmy Saw, researcher at Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, and co-lead author of the paper.
By exploring microbial dark matter with new genomics techniques, Thijs Ettema and his team hope to find more clues about how complex cells evolved.
«One of the biggest problems in the exploration of microbial dark matter is that so far, it is very complicated to determine when uncultured microbes are metabolically active and what their ecological function in a system is,» said study first author Roland Hatzenpichler, a postdoctoral researcher working in the Caltech lab of microbial ecologist Victoria Orphan.
«These standards open up a whole new area of metadata data exploration as the vast majority of microbes, referred to as microbial dark matter, are currently not described within the MIxS standard.»
They're known as «microbial dark matter,» a reference to astronomers» description of the vast invisible matter in space that makes up most of the mass in the cosmos.
While researchers are harnessing multiple approaches to identify these microbes, referred to as «microbial dark matter,» and determine what they're doing, most techniques don't allow them to do both at once.
Researchers call them microbial dark matter.
This has been called earth's microbial dark matter.
In the recent years, culture - independent methods, such as metagenomics and single cell genomics have been developed that allow for the genomic exploration of this so - called «microbial dark matter».
Learning more about this so - called «microbial dark matter» involves extracting microbial genomes from the amplified DNA of single cells and from metagenomes.
Jennah will work on the exploration of novel microbes that reside in the environment, so - called «microbial dark matter».
Disa will work on the genomic exploration of «microbial dark matter», focusing on new archaeal lineages and viruses, using both lab - and bioionformatics - based approaches.
Her research is focused on metagenomics and single - cell genomics to study «microbial dark matter», and including the development of functionally targeted single - cell approaches.
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