Sentences with phrase «microbial life exists»

If we can collect a sample, we can determine whether microbial life exists in order to understand how it evolved and how it continues in this cold environment with no sunlight or energy.»
The underground ocean of Saturn's moon Enceladus harbors an abundance of molecular hydrogen, which could be an important source of food if microbial life exists there.
If we can collect a sample of the water, we may determine whether microbial life exists, how it evolved, and how it continues to live in this cold environment with no connection to the atmosphere.»

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If these shallow pools existed at least 700 million years earlier — or when the oceans of Mars began to evaporate — they may have bridged a crucial gap for microbial life on the planet.
The soil in Manhattan's Central Park contains microbial life that also exists in deserts, frozen tundra, forests, rainforests and prairies.
The existence of microbial life on Mars remains highly controversial, but recent evidence of water, complex organic molecules, and methane in the Martian environment, combined with findings from the 1976 Viking mission, have led to the conclusion that existing life on Mars is a possibility that must be considered, as presented in an article in Astrobiology.
Refining these calculations will go a long way toward determining what kind of life might exist there — microbial slime or feathery - lobed xeno - arachnids.
The researchers who reported this finding in Geophysical Research Letters say Dione's ocean has existed since the moon's origin, which increases the chances that microbial life is thriving in its waters.
Using existing low - cost and low - weight technology in new ways, the team created a modular «life detection platform» able to culture microorganisms from soil samples, assess microbial activity, and sequence DNA and RNA.
NASA's «follow the water» approach to exploring Mars has led to tantalizing clues that microbial life may have existed at some point on the Red Planet.
Curiosity will look for signs that microbial life once existed on Mars, and will also collect core samples of rocks on Mount Sharp and the Gale Crater.
Field observations of microbes recovered from deep drill cores, deep mines, and the ocean floor, coupled with laboratory investigations, reveal that microbial life can exist at conditions of extreme temperatures (to above 110ºC) and pressures (to > 10,000 atmospheres) previous thought impossible.
Grinspoon talked about the intriguing possibility that microbial life could exist in Venus's clouds.
The microbial life of subglacial ecosystems exists in total darkness and relies on relict carbon within subglacial sediments to persist.
The latest findings of microbial life flourishing in the extreme environment of subglacial Lake Whillans in Antarctica, which were detailed in the first part of this article, are further hinting at the possibility of life existing in a similar fashion as well in the mysterious, underground alien waters of Europa.
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