Sentences with phrase «microbiologists from»

The research team — which included architects, environmental engineers, and microbiologists from the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Peru — examined microbes on the walls and floors of homes in the Amazon river basin.
About Blog The Diagnostic Microbiology Development Program was created in 2008 to establish microbiology laboratories in hospitals and recruit volunteer clinical microbiologists from the USA to train laboratory staff in resource - poor countries.
Most of the thirty - seven «microbiome» microbiologists from all over the world and from major research universities and organizations answered that question correctly when presented with a questionnaire concerning the microbiome, diet and health impact.
Founded by data scientists, clinicians, and microbiologists from MIT and OpenBiome, Finch uses machine - learning algorithms informed by high - throughput molecular data to reverse engineer successful experiences with fecal transplantation.
Microbiologists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, have just discovered that a social amoeba, a unicellular microorganism living in the soils of temperate forests, also uses both these mechanisms, and has done so for over a billion years.
By genetically modifying the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, the microbiologists from UNIGE are able to conduct all sorts of experiments on the mechanisms of the innate immune system.
A team of international scientists, including microbiologists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), scientists from Aarhus University and process engineers from the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ), have been studying the feasibility of this kind of flexible biogas production.
In the first year of his PhD in genetics, Sam Johnson (not his real name) conducted a study in collaboration with a high - profile microbiologist from a different university.
Christopher Marx, a microbiologist from Harvard University and a former Lenski postdoc, says that Lenski» «created his own Galápagos Islands.»»
«The way it samples bits and pieces of the cell without ingesting it suggests this may be going on all the time, and only when a certain balance is broken does the disease set in,» says Kris Chadee, a microbiologist from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
Brent Christner, a microbiologist from Louisiana State University, chipped globs of frost off the cable with a hammer.
Anne Midwinter is a part - time microbiologist from New Zealand who has completed 28,000 tasks on AMT over the past five years.
This is very important data that shows how a host's response can influence bacterial colonization, says David Briles, a microbiologist from the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

Not exact matches

Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, says hackers could conceivably gain huge swathes of information from embedded microchips.
«We know from lots and lots of other ecosystems that how you set up the house has a real impact for all the later guests,» says medical microbiologist David Relman of the Stanford University School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study.
«The acquired knowledge and skills from this project will contribute to my aspiration of becoming an independent environmental microbiologist,» said Nshimyimana.
Microbiologist Elizabeth Emmert of Salisbury University in Maryland studies B. bacterio - vorus as a means to protect crops — carrots and potatoes — from bacterial soft rot diseases.
Prior to his managerial career, Sykes was a researcher, earning a doctorate in 1973 from Bristol University and then working as a microbiologist for many years, both at Glaxo and at Princeton's Squibb Institute for Medical Research.
As microbiologists have pointed out, bacteria are known to scavenge genes from the spilled DNA of their dead.
Joint first author of the study, microbiologist Dr Jo Fothergill said: «We have discovered that the nasopharynx acts as a silent reservoir for bacteria from which more serious infections in the lungs can develop.»
This finding also paves the way for practical applications: the ETH spin - off Malcisbo, which came from the microbiologist's laboratory, endeavours, on the basis of these surface sugar structures to develop novel vaccines against parasites and pathogenic germs for livestock and humans.
Microbiologist Jill Mikucki from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville inspects Lake Whillans water samples.
Upon finding that his old friend microbiologist Luc Montagnier was calling from Paris, Colizzi launched merrily into French with the same Italian accent that laces his English.
Lake biologist John Priscu, from Montana State University, and Louisiana State University microbiologist Brent Christner prepare to sample lake water.
«From my point of view, it's a condition associated with genetic defects and developmental biology problems,» says Peter Hotez, a George Washington University microbiologist and father of an autistic child.
NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson conducted the experiment aboard the orbiting laboratory, with NASA microbiologist and the project's Principal Investigator Sarah Wallace and her team watching and guiding her from Houston.
Alexander Kekulé, a microbiologist at the Martin Luther University of Halle - Wittenburg in Halle, Germany, hopes politicians will learn from the outbreak too, and establish a long - overdue national authority for controlling outbreaks.
Raising the profile of microbial conservation must come from microbiologists, but the support of the broader conservation movement is needed.
Environmental microbiologist Jed Fuhrman of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles calls the situation a «nightmare» adding that his lab paused a 10 - year project of collecting monthly virus samples from the waters between Los Angeles and nearby Catalina Island.
Microbiologist Schmitz - Esser analysed stomach samples from slaughter cattle.
Microbiologist Robert Maier of the University of Georgia in Athens and colleagues had previously discovered an enzyme in the microbe that allows it to feed on hydrogen gas, and small amounts of the combustible have been shown to leak from the colon of rodents and humans.
The platform, which uses microbes to glean ethanol from glycerol and has the added benefit of cleaning up the wastewater, will allow producers to reincorporate the ethanol and the water into the fuel - making process, said Gemma Reguera, MSU microbiologist and one of the co-authors.
Confusion had reigned over the new name since the virus was first reported by Ali Mohamed Zaki, an Egyptian microbiologist who isolated it in June 2012 from a patient at a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he worked at the time.
As for how many people the planet can sustain, the first such estimate came from microbiologist Anton van Leeuwenhoek who calculated roughly 13.4 billion people back in 1679, based on the population density of his native Holland and its size relative to the rest of the globe.
Princeton University microbiologist Bonnie Bassler called the advance a «slight» difference from what molecular biologists have been doing for 50 years.
«In the U.S. alone, from current activities in agriculture and forestry, 1.5 billion tons of cellulosic material are generated every year and none of that goes into liquid transportation,» noted microbiologist Tim Donohue, director of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, during a tour of the center in Madison, Wisc., this past October.
The first inklingsof life far below the surface came in the 1920s, when a microbiologist and ageologist at the University of Chicago cultured anaerobic (non-oxygen-breathing) bacteria from Illinoisoil wells 2,000 feet deep.
Microbiologist Martin Blaser of New York University in New York City agrees: «The path of transmission was from mom apes to baby apes for hundreds of thousands of generations at least.»
So he and Tahmeed Ahmed from the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research in Bangladesh teamed up with Jeffrey Gordon, a microbiologist at Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri, to collect monthly fecal samples from healthy and malnourished Bangladeshi children under 2.
Research continues to apply this fundamental discovery to the development of innovative drugs that could inhibit the X protein» highlights Dr. Simon Fletcher, from Gilead Sciences, Inc., whose team provided the in vivo verification of the discoveries made by the University of Geneva microbiologists.
A microbiologist by training and an astrobiologist by choice, his principle interest is in developing protocols, instrumentation and procedures for life detection in samples from the early earth and elsewhere in the solar system.
Microbiologist Richard Ebright of Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, urged the panel to consider moving oversight of select agent labs from CDC and USDA to another agency that does not fund or conduct such work itself as a way to avoid conflicts of interest.
Yes — not until patients 34 and 35, on Easter Tuesday, when I got this excited call from the microbiologist.
It looked as if it was slipping in without any response from the host, says microbiologist David Sibley of Washington University.
New technology helped the researchers identify a type of E. coli bacteria found in people with Crohn's disease that can trigger inflammation associated with spondyloarthritis, according to the study led by principal investigator Dr. Randy Longman and scientists from the Jill Roberts Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease at NewYork - Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine and the Jill Roberts Institute for Research in Inflammatory Bowel Disease at Weill Cornell Medicine, microbiologists at Cornell University and rheumatologists at Hospital for Special Surgery.
Objective: Experienced microbiologist seeks to move from bench research to applied process sciences for a therapeutics or animal health division of a dynamic Fortune 1000 company.
«Certainly they're benefiting from it,» says Dale Griffin, a microbiologist with the U.S. Geological Survey station in Saint Petersburg, Florida.
Real - time data transmission from remotely operated instruments is key in polar regions, where continuous climate data is particularly important and maintaining personnel in the Antarctic through the winter is expensive and hazardous, says Rita Colwell, an environmental microbiologist at the University of Maryland, College Park, and another co-author of the NRC report.
During this research, the microbiologists at Radboud University learned of a similar finding by colleagues from Vienna (Austria)-- where Sebastian Lücker also completed his PhD research a few years ago.
Eckard Wimmer, a microbiologist and chemist, used the information to patch together more than 100 smaller bits of DNA that can be easily purchased from a made - to - order - DNA company.
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