Sentences with phrase «microfinance organizations»

Microfinance organizations are financial institutions that provide small loans and other financial services to people who are unable to access traditional banking services. These organizations help low-income individuals and small businesses by offering small amounts of money to invest in their businesses or meet their immediate needs. Full definition
Grameen America, a leading nonprofit microfinance organization, announced yesterday (Feb. 21) that it is partnering with Citi and Mastercard to provide financial technology solutions that will assist low - income minority women entrepreneurs.
They experienced their «solar lightbulb moment» when they encountered Sita, an unemployed Nepali woman who had built up a thriving women's microfinance organization in her rural community.
There are other ratings services for particular industries, like Planet Rating for global microfinance organizations, but what makes GIIRS unique is that it includes ratings of the social and environmental impact of companies across all sectors, geographies and sizes.
By recognizing these realities, Kiva and other microfinance organizations aspire to change the dynamics by utilizing the Internet to connect lenders to borrowers in the developing world.
Editor's Note: The son of missionary parents, Mark Lutz is Senior Vice President at Opportunity International, a non-profit microfinance organization, and author of the new book UnPoverty: Rich Lessons from the Working Poor.
Microfinance organizations like Kiva and Acumen Fund have been on the rise in recent years as this method of fighting poverty has gained popularity.
Kiva, an international nonprofit microfinance organization, has been tackling this issue head - on since 2005.
For instance, Bird launched a microfinance startup after spending the summer interning for a microfinance organization in Bangladesh.
And last month, with a microloan from Accion, a nonprofit microfinance organization that works with entrepreneurs around the world, Nuñez bought a drycleaner to expand his wash - and-fold service and add another dependable source of revenue.
The foundation makes loans to microfinance organizations and packages them as investments that have a fixed term, usually ranging from one to five years, and a fixed interest rate comparable to what investors would get from a CD.
Grameen America, a leading nonprofit microfinance organization, announced yesterday (Feb. 21) that it is partnering with Citi and Mastercard to provide financial technology...
Finally, if you need $ 50,000 or less, you should consider applying for a microloan through the SBA or a nonprofit microfinance organization — like Kiva or Grameen America.
Microfinance organizations have singled them out almost since the beginning as more likely to repay loans, and more likely to use their earnings to the benefit of their community.
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