Sentences with phrase «microgravity conditions»

To find out how bacteria behaves in the microgravity conditions of space, a team of researchers led by Luis Zea from the University of Colorado Boulder sent E. coli samples up to the ISS.
The researchers, led by Hokkaido University Professor Emeritus Yoshinori Furukawa, hoped to use the microgravity conditions of space to accurately measure the normal growth rates of crystal faces, as convective flow does not occur in this environment.
When seeds are placed before germination either i) in a vertical position with their embryonic roots pointing down or ii) subjected to microgravity conditions, a peg develops on each side, explains Hideyuki Takahashi, a member of the Space and Adaption Biology Laboratory at Tohoku University's Graduate School of Life Sciences.

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Vision changes during extended stays in microgravity are critical health conditions that scientists are investigating.
Microbes experience «low shear» conditions in microgravity that resemble conditions inside the human body, but are difficult to study.
During spaceflights, and in future habitats on the Moon or Mars, humans are or will be exposed to a condition of «microgravity,» in other words to a gravitational field much smaller compared to that present on Earth.
For the first time, an optical clock has traveled to space, surviving harsh rocket launch conditions and successfully operating under the microgravity that would be experienced on a satellite.
AFEx will test whether under conditions of microgravity Indy flies exhibit less change in behavior than wildtype or «normal» control flies.
To learn more, researchers in Japan examined cucumber seedlings germinated under the very weak gravity — or microgravityconditions of the International Space Station.
Researchers in Japan have examined cucumber seedlings germinated under the very weak gravity — or microgravityconditions of the International Space Station.
As part of this effort, Xu and her team discovered that growing stem cells under «simulated microgravity» for a few days stimulates the production of cardiac muscle cells, several times more effectively than regular conditions.
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