Sentences with phrase «microinjection into»

This product was similarly purified in a low - melt agarose gel and used at 1 ng / μl along with 50 ng / μl of the unc - 36 (+) cosmid derivative RIp16 (gift of L Lobel) for microinjection into unc - 36 -LRB--) animals.
Transgenic lines were prepared using microinjections into gonads of young adult N2 hermaphrodites as described (Tabara et al., 1999; Timmons, Court & Fire, 2001; Vohanka et al., 2010).

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Microinjection of wild - type human ACVR1 RNA into alk8 — / — zebrafish embryos rescued approximately 80 % of the injected embryos completely or partially (Figure 3, C and F), showing that human ACVR1 can function as a BMP type I receptor in this zebrafish model and substitute for Alk8.
We offer quality custom generation of a wide range of mouse models developed by microinjection of Sv129 / Pas or C57BL / 6N ES cells into blastocysts or by DNA pronuclear injection.
Generating mutations via direct Cas9 mRNA injection into embryos requires the equipment and expertise for embryo microinjection, which may not be readily available to all researchers.
«Conventional techniques of producing transgenic animals, such as microinjection of genes into eggs and the retroviral transduction of genes into embryos, often produce many animals that are mosaic, which means they do not contain the foreign gene in all their cells.
Using microinjection of adeno - associated viral vector bearing a transgene encoding FKBP1b into the hippocampus of aged male rats, we assessed the critical prediction that overexpressing FKBP1b should reverse Ca2 + - mediated manifestations of brain aging.
17 Capecchi MR. High Efficiency Transformation By Direct Microinjection of DNA into Cultured Mammalian Cells.
Microinjection of membrane - impermeable molecules into single neural stem cells in brain tissue.
High efficiency transformation by direct microinjection of DNA into cultured mammalian cells.
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