Sentences with word «micropipette»

Jan Brugués, Benoit Maugis, Jaume Casademunt, Pierre Nassoy, François Amblard, Pierre Sens Dynamical Organization of the Cytoskeletal Cortex Probed by Micropipette Aspiration.
Now, for the first time, a team of scientists led by Professor Simon Schultz and Dr Luca Annecchino at Imperial College London has developed a robot and computer programme that can guide tiny measuring devices called micropipettes to specific neurons in the brains of live mice and record electrical currents, all without human intervention.
A... 1 ml micropipette was used to obtain a more accurate volume reading.
Indeed, on the night that Van Blerkom inspected the fertilized eggs at the Denver clinic, he made this disagreement clear at one point by holding up a sharp micropipette for my benefit.
In Kennedy's electrode design, the three gold wires that conduct signals from the brain terminate inside the tiny, cone - shaped tip of a glass micropipette.
Micropipette aspiration can be used to measure surface tension and viscosity of cells and tissues.
1 ml micropipette was used to obtain a more accurate volume reading.
This image depicts a single cell experiment in which a human neutrophil was picked up by a micropipette (top panel) and brought into close contact with S. Typhimurium cells immobilized by optical tweezers.
The cells» size made it easier to measure electrical currents across an ORC's outer membrane by puncturing it with a thin glass tube called a micropipette.
It then conducts any electrical signals from the neuron up through the micropipette, and into a computer via the conductive fluid.
The pulses diffuse into the brain until the micropipette nears a neuron, which creates a block in electrical signal that tells the human or robot operator when to stop moving the micropipette.
Yet the researchers, who have been engaged in tensile tests of cells for many years, experienced difficulties in controlling the hold position of cells under a microscope using a needle and a micropipette, and hypothesized that differences in the hold position yielded the experimental errors.
At this point the micropipette clamps onto the outside of the cell, penetrating the membrane using a pulse of suction pressure.
He and his team milked live spiders, using a mild anesthetic and micropipettes, under a dissecting microscope, working carefully so that the spiders could be released unharmed.
Surface tensions γcm are measured for all blastomeres sequentially by finding the critical pressure Pc giving a deformation of the size of the micropipette Rp and measuring the radius of curvature of the cell Rc.
Snapshot of a micropipette - held 8 - cell stage embryo (left) during a surface tension mapping experiment.
A micropipette aspiration set up can easily be coupled to high - resolution fluorescence confocal microscopes to relate cell mechanics to sub-cellular processes.
FluidFM ® technology reinvents the micropipette: It unites the best features of microfluidics and force microscopy by introducing closed microscopic channels into force sensitive probes.
Zebrafish mesoderm progenitors are brought into contact before being separated by pulling the micropipettes apart while applying increasing pressures in a stepwise fashion with the left micropipette.
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