Sentences with phrase «microscopic fungi in»

Researchers from the University of Valencia (Spain) have analysed the mycotoxins produced by certain microscopic fungi in the beer and dried fruits, such as figs and raisins, confirming that these products meet food regulations.
Pohlker, Andreae, and their colleagues ran the numbers and found that the amount of potassium particles released from microscopic fungi in the lab was indeed enough to account for the concentration of potassium they observed in their samples.

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Fungi Barely Make It Microscopic black fungal cells, found in the cracks of Antarctica's rocks, might also survive on Mars — but just barely.
The newfound role of the soil microbiome — the collection of microscopic bacteria, fungi and archaea that interact with plant roots — represents a turning point for research aimed at understanding and predicting where important tree species will reside in the future.
In 1996, soil microbiologist Sara Wright of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Maryland, found that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi — a type of microscopic fungus that lives symbiotically with plant roots — oozes a sticky protein called glomaliIn 1996, soil microbiologist Sara Wright of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Maryland, found that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi — a type of microscopic fungus that lives symbiotically with plant roots — oozes a sticky protein called glomaliin Beltsville, Maryland, found that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi — a type of microscopic fungus that lives symbiotically with plant roots — oozes a sticky protein called glomalin.
There, the native plants» prosperity depends in a large part on microscopic organisms called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
But there are still some crucial experiments left to do: specifically, they have not yet actually verified that the microscopic fungi living on the forest trees in the Amazon are in fact releasing the potassium they see in the air.
The early studies helped Duffy determine that the microscopic aquatic parasite she first observed as a graduate student, and which her research team had recently collected in more than a dozen southeast Michigan lakes, is the same fungus - like organism that a French biologist first described in 1903.
But microscopic fungi live in and on us, too.
Scientists from the BOREA Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems research unit (CNRS / MNHN / IRD / UPMC / University of Caen / Université des Antilles)-- together with a colleague from the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany — have shown that Parisian street gutters are oases of microscopic life, home to microalgae, fungi, sponges, and mollusks [1].
Yeasts are microscopic organisms categorized as fungi, and the most common culprit for gut issues is candida albicans, which is normally in your body, but can cause some serious problems if it is allowed to thrive and multiply (5).
Various microscopic evaluations can be performed to determine which type of fungus is causing skin disease in the cat.
Mould: Moulds are microscopic fungi that actually grow in every home.
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