Sentences with phrase «microscopic hairs»

Geckos cling to walls and ceilings by means of microscopic hairs on the undersides of their feet.
Geckos employ dry adhesion, using a combination of microscopic hairs on their toe pads, as well as other aspects of internal anatomy, to climb vertical walls and run across ceilings, a skill that has long fascinated scientists.
Microscopic hairs called cilia, which line the nasal passage, help to keep out pathogens and dust that may infect or irritate the lungs, and the cilia work more efficiently when incoming air is moist.
The gecko's feet are covered in microscopic hairs, called setae, which branch into thousands of smaller hairs with paddle - shaped ends.
When you hear a clap of thunder or a hushed whisper, sound waves are tousling microscopic hairs inside the ear, setting off nerve impulses that crackle to the brain.
As it carefully crawls into the water, the insect's water - repellent coat and microscopic hairs trap a layer of air next to the body that keeps the water out.
We live in a sonic world, immersed in vibrations that stimulate microscopic hair cells deep inside our ears.
Sometimes a simple screening with a special light can reveal a dermatophyte infection, but other times a fungal culture and microscopic hair examination is necessary.
Later, bioscientific works such as Gary Schneider's Genetic Self - Portraits (1997 — 1998) or Marc Quinn's A Genomic Portrait: Sir John Sulston (2001)-- in which a sample of the sitter's DNA in agar jelly is mounted in stainless steel — took the bearers of identity to be images of chromosomes, enlargements of microscopic hair samples, retinal images, and even mounted DNA itself.
«Carrion flies have microscopic hairs on every part of the body excluding the eye and these bristles make them the perfect carrier for pollen and also bacteria.
The gecko is one of nature's best climbers, thanks to millions of microscopic hairs, with features about 20 to 30 times smaller than a human hair, that allow it to climb on virtually any surface.
The solution: mimic the microscopic hairs, or «setae», that allow geckos to stroll up walls and across ceilings.
Both of these impressive abilities are due to microscopic hairs on their legs, which, in addition to making their legs more hydrophobic, also trap air that acts like a buoyancy cushion or life jacket.
These include the microscopic hairs called cilia, which are found in the nasal passages.
Ciliary dyskinesis - This is a syndrome which has been reported in the Chinese Shar - Pei in which the cilia (microscopic hair - like projections on the epithelial cells which line the upper airways) are malformed or nonexistent.
A microscopic hair expert claimed that a hair found on the sweatpants worn by the victim at the time of her death «matched» to Hardin.
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