Sentences with phrase «microscopic oocysts»

Protozoan species of the genus Cryptosporidium, such as Cryptosporidium hominis and C. parvum, can cause diarrhea in human hosts who have ingested as few as 10 microscopic oocysts (egglike structures that are made of chitin, the same protein that forms the exoskeletons of ants and other insects) contained in feces or contaminated water.
Infected rodents don't last long in the presence of a cat and their consumption ultimately results in a bowel movement that contains thousands of microscopic oocysts, the parasite's infective stage, thus completing the cycle.
The toxoplasma reproduce by creating microscopic oocysts that are passed in the bowel movement.
Humans can become infected after unintentionally ingesting the microscopic oocysts, primarily from not their washing hands after cleaning a cat's litter box or working in a garden with contaminated soil.
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