Sentences with phrase «microscropic muscular damage»

Typically, lifters will emphasize mechanical tension and / or muscular damage while overlooking the importance of metabolic stress.
All muscular damage calls satellite cells into action.
The eccentric phase (muscle stretching) of any exercise is when most of the muscular damage occurs and the main cause of post-training soreness.
Not having a recovery meal after a workout — you have to repair the microscropic muscular damage as quickly as possible after your workout.
Intense exercise causes tons of stress: joint & ligament stress, muscular damage, neural fatigue, and hormone disruption are all factors that must be taken into account and is highly individualized to each athlete.
I created my own progression model to ensure volume was increasing over time, and causing adequate muscular damage.
Cockburn E, Stevenson E, Hayes PR, Robson - Ansley P, Howatson G, Effect of milk - based carbohydrate - protein supplement timing on the attenuation of exercise - induced muscular damage.
According to the most respected authority on muscle growth for natural trainees, you needed 3 things to make sweet, sweet gains: muscular tension, adequate pump, and muscular damage.
This is because they significantly increase signal of all three muscle building mechanisms: muscular tension, muscular damage sustained during the session and also the total metabolic stress of the session.
There may be an additional effect of stimulating more blood flow to the working area, which in turn increases swelling, turning up the signal for muscle growth via muscular damage.
Don't forget: you need a combination of muscular tension, muscular damage and metabolic stress to maximise muscle gain.
Muscular damage - the physical effects on the muscle of overcoming that resistance.
This is especially true when there are muscular damages.

Not exact matches

So now our injury troubles have come back to haunt us, and Le Prof has said that we can only wait to see how bad the damage is to Theo and Alex. «The injuries are two muscular injuries and the injury damage I do not know.
«Transplanted hematopoietic stem cells reverse damage caused by neuro - muscular disorder: In mouse model of Friedreich's ataxia, a single infusion measurably restored normal cellular functions.»
«When a child's muscles are already withering away from something like Duchenne muscular dystrophy, it would not be ethical to take muscle samples from them and do further damage.
Yin's research also has implications for the treatment of other diseases involving muscle damage, including muscular dystrophy.
When the liver is injured by infection or toxins like alcohol, it repairs the damage by activating smooth, muscular liver cells.
The findings suggest that RIPK1 may be involved in a range of other neurodegenerative diseases marked by axonal damage, including multiple sclerosis, certain forms of spinal muscular atrophy and even Alzheimer's disease.
Stem cell - derived motor neurons could be used to repair the diseased or damaged spinal cord and to study neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) and spinal muscular atrophy.
First, when muscle is damaged by injury or degenerative disease such as muscular dystrophy, muscle stem cells — or satellite cells — need to differentiate into mature muscle cells to repair injured muscles.
But some signal provided by muscular injury or degeneration prompts satellite cells to start dividing and then to integrate themselves into damaged fibers, repairing the muscle tissue.
Motor neurons drive muscle contractions, and their damage underlies devastating diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy, both of which ultimately lead to paralysis and early death.
Johns Hopkins University biologists have found that a protein that plays a key role in the lives of stem cells can bolster the growth of damaged muscle tissue, a step that could potentially contribute to treatments for muscle degeneration caused by old age and diseases such as muscular dystrophy.
Other genetic diseases include Tay - Sachs disease (damage to the gene for the enzyme hexosaminidase A leads to an accumulation of a chemical in the brain that destroys it), sickle cell anemia (improper coding of the gene that produces hemoglobin), hemophilia (lack of a gene for a blood - clotting factor) and muscular dystrophy (caused by a defective gene on the X chromosome).
Other possible applications of the research are in diseases involving muscle damage, including muscular dystrophy, according to the lab.
A genetic mutation common in the most severe forms of muscular dystrophy also predisposes to heart damage.
A team of researchers that helped pioneer new gene - based therapies for muscular dystrophy has now pinpointed a genetic defect that leads to heart damage in some of the most severe forms of muscular...
Such interventions are designed to maintain vascular, metabolic, skeleto - muscular and other aspects of health, in part, through preventing increased flux of damage to proteins and increased steady - state levels of damaged proteins.
A team of researchers that helped pioneer new gene - based therapies for muscular dystrophy has now pinpointed a genetic defect that leads to heart damage in some of the most severe forms of muscular dystrophy.
Skeletal Muscle DNA Damage Precedes Spinal Motor Neuron DNA Damage in a Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).
«With the appropriate pharmacological agent, it could be likely that we could prevent the heart damage often seen in some forms of muscular dystrophy,» said Campbell.
A protein defective in two types of muscular dystrophy also appears to be important in repairing damaged muscle, according to Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers at the University of Iowa...
Read the full article, «Branched fibers from old fast - twitch dystrophic muscles are the sites of terminal damage in muscular dystrophy,» published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology — Cell Physiology.
It can also damage the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, and muscular tissue.
[14] That's because, once again, oxidative stress and inflammation cause muscular problems, fatigue and weakness, while astaxanthin protects you from the oxidative damage that contributes to fatigue and weakness.
Chemotherapy and radiation can have side effects such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, tingling as a result of nerve damage, physical fatigue, mental fatigue, muscular pain, joint and pain and other forms of pain.
(In contrast to the role of autophagy in removal of defective organelles, the ubiquitin - proteasomal pathway is responsible for recycling damaged, long - lived muscular proteins that are not degraded through the autophagic / lysosomal pathway.)
When done right, strength training has some residual damage in your muscular system that repairs over the passing days after the session.
The eccentric component of muscular activity leads to much greater muscle damage / homeostatic disruption than the concentric aspect (which, just as an aside, might be why swimming doesn't tend to lead to significant soreness or conspicuous muscle development).
You wrote: «many techniques which cause muscular hypertrophy will be health - damaging».
Research has shown that supplementation of taurine increases muscular performance, exercise capacity, reduces lactate acid concentration during exercise, muscle damage and oxidative stress after exercise *.
If large size can be an indication of damage in muscle, then many techniques which cause muscular hypertrophy will be health - damaging.
Utilise a mixture of multi joint and single joint exercises to maximise muscular tension and damage, and metabolic stress respectively.
A typical muscle building workout leads to «muscle damage», which requires more time to recover from and build the desired extra muscular tissue.
It can also help relieve muscular pain following intense exercise and provides antioxidants to protect connective tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Yet while nearly every frame carries the memory of war, his work is marked by an overwhelming humanity and sensitivity: careful portraits of soldiers, peasants, farmers and refugees, all rendered with equal compassion, whether a muscular fighter posing with a grenade launcher or the damaged body of the victim of a land mine.
Unfortunately, the health complications that have been reported by women who received a mesh implant device have proven to be more serious than the benefits, including: severe pain, nerve damage, infection, vaginal scarring, recurring SUI or POP, vaginal shrinkage, painful intercourse, bleeding, neuro - muscular issues, and organ perforation.
Transvaginal mesh users suffering from complications have complained of pain, infection, nerve damage, bleeding, painful sex, vaginal scarring, recurring incontinence, recurring prolapse, vaginal shrinkage, neuro - muscular complications, and / or emotional issues.
Other than paralysis, common car accident spine injuries can include muscular strains, herniated discs, arthritic spurring, and nerve damage causing extensive pain.
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