Sentences with word «microsimulation»

Howard Reed, director of Landman Economics, is a specialist in microsimulation models of the tax system and other economic phenomena and formerly chief economist at the Institute of Public Policy Research (ippr).
The investigators then used a Markov microsimulation model to estimate each policy's impact on diet or physical activity, and then Body Mass Index (BMI), in a simulated school - aged population in 2032, or 20 years after implementation.
But it is possible to slow the pace of urban sprawl by harnessing the full development potential of central areas, according to forecasts by Guillaume Marois, a recent Ph.D. from INRS who has developed a spatial microsimulation model called Local Demographic Simulations (LDS).
Guillaume Marois developed the LDS microsimulation model as part of his Ph.D. in demography.
The researchers performed microsimulation modeling with data from a large, community - based health care system (Kaiser Permanente Northern California) on ADR variation and cancer risk among 57,588 patients examined by 136 physicians from 1998 through 2010.
Projecting the effects of tobacco control policies in the USA through microsimulation: a study protocol
The investigators then used a Markov microsimulation model to estimate each policy's impact on diet or physical activity, and then BMI, in a simulated school - aged population in 2032, after 20 years of implementation.
Using TAXCALC, a microsimulation software package, Professor Kim calculated tax liabilities and after - tax income for those tax returns according to the tax law changes for each proposal.
Researchers at Harvard University constructed a microsimulation model to compare life expectancy and costs of multiplexed EGFR and ALK testing followed by molecularly - guided therapy versus chemotherapy with no testing, chemotherapy until the testing results and switch to targeted - therapy, or a complete course of chemotherapy followed by targeted - therapy if indicated.
In this study, Kevin ten Haaf of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and colleagues used a microsimulation model to analyze 576 different lung cancer screening policies for persons born between 1940 and 1969 in Ontario, Canada.
A microsimulation modeling approach would, for example, allow FEMA to compare the price of NFIP premiums that reflect true flood risk — as called for in the Biggert - Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 — with measures of policyholders» ability to pay.
Depression prevention, labour force participation and income of older working aged Australians: A microsimulation economic analysis
Design A cross-sectional study using a microsimulation model of the 2009 Australian population (Health & WealthMOD).
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