Sentences with word «microstimulation»

Tactile percepts were consistently elicited in the hand of a person with cervical spinal cord injury using intracortical microstimulation of the somatosensory cortex.
Future work examining the physiological effects of microstimulation in downstream regions, such as the hippocampus, would further enlighten the mechanisms of the differential effects when stimulation is applied in gray matter or the angular bundle.
We show that theta - burst microstimulation of the right entorhinal area, applied prior to stimulus onset, enhanced memory specificity for these photographs.
The study, «Behavioral assessment of sensitivity to intracortical microstimulation of primate somatosensory cortex,» was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract N66001 -10-C-4056.
Controlling this factor is more feasible with microstimulation than macrostimulation, as it is challenging to confine the spatial extent of delivered current when using macroelectrodes, due to their large contact surface area, wide inter-contact distance for bipolar stimulation, and high magnitude of stimulation current (Figure 2 — figure supplement 1).
While a robotic arm is controlled by neuronal activity recorded with optical imaging (red laser), the position of the arm is fed back to the brain via optical microstimulation (blue laser).
We show that microstimulation within the hand area of the somatosensory cortex of a person with long - term spinal cord injury evokes tactile sensations perceived as originating from locations on the hand and that cortical stimulation sites are organized according to expected somatotopic principles.
As the use of neural implants moves toward treating cognitive disorders, one advantage of including microstimulation is the precise spatial targeting it affords, allowing for highly - controlled manipulation of neural circuits.
Large - scale datasets that evaluate the efficacy of macro - vs microstimulation, stimulation region and hemisphere, precise timing of stimulation relative to endogenous brain states, and more, will be required to establish the clinical relevance of stimulation for cognitive enhancement.
Further, it is worth noting that the present study does not address the precise mechanisms by which microstimulation wields its behavioral influence.
Importantly, LTP induction by high - frequency microstimulation of the perforant path in vivo has been shown to cause reorganization of wide hippocampal and cortical networks in rats (Canals et al., 2009).
Additionally, microstimulation requires lower levels of current to be delivered, thus allowing the implant to consume considerably less power.
Here, we asked whether application of microstimulation targeted to the entorhinal afferents into hippocampus could enhance declarative memory function in humans.
This method could potentially have many advantages over the macroelectrode stimulation used in previous studies as microstimulation is much more spatially focused and uses currents on a more physiologic level.
Functional relation between corticonuclear input and movements evoked on microstimulation in cerebellar nucleus interpositus anterior in the cat.
Theta - burst microstimulation in the human entorhinal area improves memory specificity.
Thank you for submitting your article «Theta - burst microstimulation in the human entorhinal area improves memory specificity» for consideration by eLife.
Intracortical microstimulation of the somatosensory cortex offers the potential for creating a sensory neuroprosthesis to restore tactile sensation.
«Microstimulations are hard to do, and sometimes some weird effects happen,» he adds, referring to a technique that activates a cluster of nerve cells by zapping them with a weak electric current.
The researchers were able to show that microstimulation in certain areas of the brain does create a percept that the brain interprets as optical input, or something that can be «seen.»
Further, modulating the stimulus amplitude grades the perceptual intensity of the stimuli, suggesting that intracortical microstimulation could be used to convey information about the contact location and pressure necessary to perform dexterous hand movements associated with object manipulation.
This study presents the first evidence that microstimulation has the potential to improve hippocampal - dependent memory in humans.
In conclusion, our findings suggest that microstimulation, with its anatomical precision, physiologic - level currents, and action via axonal projections, holds promise for modification of memory circuits and thus for the treatment of memory impairments in people suffering from neurological disorders.
The authors show that microstimulation can effectively improve memory encoding.
Future studies investigating how neural signals change in response to microstimulation (and how these changes vary with the precise targeting of the stimulating electrode) will be critical for increasing our understanding, not only of the physiological signatures of microstimulation, but also the microcircuit dynamics underlying memory.
As thirteen neurosurgical patients performed a person recognition task, microstimulation was applied in a theta - burst pattern, shown to optimally induce LTP.
We therefore hypothesized that theta - burst microstimulation, targeted to brain regions containing afferent fibers to the hippocampus, would improve episodic memory performance in humans.
In humans, microstimulation of primary visual cortex has been shown to induce phosphenes (Schmidt et al., 1996), and microstimulation of the substantia nigra can influence reinforcement learning (Ramayya et al., 2014).
To test whether similar techniques could improve episodic memory in humans, we implemented a microstimulation technique that allowed delivery of low - current electrical stimulation via 100 μm - diameter microelectrodes.
During a task in which subjects studied photos of novel people, microstimulation was applied in a theta - burst pattern.
These results suggest that microstimulation with physiologic level currents — a radical departure from commonly used deep brain stimulation protocols — is sufficient to modulate human behavior and provides an avenue for refined interrogation of the circuits involved in human memory.
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