Sentences with phrase «microtubule growth»

Sip1 downstream Effector ninein controls neocortical axonal growth, ipsilateral branching, and microtubule growth and stability
A protein called katanin drives this mechanism, which it achieves by redirecting microtubule growth in response to blue light.
The researchers looked at seeds that have either all GTP or all GDP subunits and found each strongly influences all phases of microtubule growth.
By revealing how microtubule growth is catalysed, the WMS team expect their work to throw new light on the workings of a number of human diseases (for example, bowel cancer) linked to abnormalities in TOG - TACC function.
At the end, motor - dependent shrinkage thus competes with microtubule growth.

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Which of these becomes dominant depends on the relative concentrations of the tubulins and the motor proteins: In a certain concentration range the dynamic equilibrium between growth and shrinkage of the microtubules operates as it would if resources were not limiting.
Microtubules, hollow fibers of tubulin protein only a few nanometers in diameter, form the cytoskeletons of living cells and play a crucial role in cell division (mitosis) through their ability to undergo rapid growth and shrinkage, a property called «dynamic instability.»
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, lead author on the new TUS study, said: «This suggests TUS may stimulate natural megahertz resonances in brain microtubules, enhancing not only mood and conscious mental states, but perhaps also microtubule functions in synaptic plasticity, nerve growth and repair.
The study, published on October 6 in Cell, describes how two proteins work together to guide the growth of a new microtubule along an existing one.
Microtubules, which can be stable for minutes or even hours, were a good first target, Kolomeisky said, because many experimentalists saw their growth, stability and dissolution as a one - way process and were hard - pressed to explain signs of shrinking along the way.
The tip - tracking TOG - TACC machinery acts as a catalyst of microtubule assembly, and it turns out, based on the new results, that TOG - TACC is a very unusual type of catalyst that stabilises its product (the microtubule railway) as well as speeding up its growth.
Moreover, intact microtubules and vimentin intermediate filament networks are required for further growth.
A current focus is how the cortical microtubule cytoskeleton — an interior scaffolding that directs construction of the cell's walls and the growth of the plant — is organized and functions and how this guides patterns of cell growth and division.
We showed that WDR47 shares functional characteristics with LIS1 and participates in key microtubule - mediated processes, including neural stem cell proliferation, radial migration, and growth cone dynamics.
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