Sentences with phrase «middle and high school students found»

An experiment involving middle and high school students found that the students who checked Facebook or texted while they were trying to study had lower GPAs and were less able to focus on their work.
The study of 90,000 middle and high school students found that mixed - race youths also have a higher risk of health or behavior problems than teenagers of a single race.

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Most middle schools and high schools, attended by children aged about 11 to 17, also do not sell fruits and vegetables outside traditional cafeteria lunch lines so that students can find them at random times, the report showed.
Also the classic novels that are often assigned to middle... MORE school and high school students can be found in used books stores.
Pope, the co-founder of Challenge Success, said that research from that group found that high school students from high - achieving schools average more than three hours of homework each night, and middle school students average about 2.5 hours.
They also found that parental involvement in monitoring internet activity is low among this group with about a third of middle school and 17 % of high school students reporting that their parents monitor their internet.
Presenting findings from research conducted through a grant from the National Science Foundation, Herrmann Abell and DeBoer point in their chapter to steady but modest improvement in students» understanding of energy from middle to high school, but they also note that «even after years of instruction, many students have a very limited and unsophisticated understanding of the formal conventions for thinking and talking about energy.»
They used a nationally representative sample of 5,593 middle and high school students between the ages of 12 and 17 years old living in the United States to find out how many youth participated in digital self - harm, as well as their motivations for such behavior.
Based on a study of more than 30,000 elementary, middle, and high school students conducted in winter 2015 - 16, researchers found that elementary and middle school students scored lower on a computer - based test that did not allow them to return to previous items than on two comparable tests — paper - or computer - based — that allowed them to skip, review, and change previous responses.
The study of nearly 40,000 youth around the country also found that e-cigarette use among middle and high school students doubled between 2011 and 2012, from 3.1 percent to 6.5 percent.
In the nine countries that agreed to participate in that third test, students taking the most challenging math and science courses in their senior year were found to have performed progressively worse as they moved from elementary to middle to high school.
Middle and high school students, regardless of their race and ethnicity, have more favorable perceptions of their Black and Latino teachers than of their White teachers, finds a study by NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Develoschool students, regardless of their race and ethnicity, have more favorable perceptions of their Black and Latino teachers than of their White teachers, finds a study by NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human DeveloSchool of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
Cappella and her colleagues found that attending a middle or junior high school negatively impacted certain measures of beliefs about students» academic abilities.
Furthermore, middle and high school students spend their school day with multiple teachers and adults, making it difficult to find a single adult who can easily track their behavior and report it accurately.
«Later start times better for high school students: Poor self - regulation in teens linked to circadian rhythms: Findings support later start times for middle schools and high schools
A new study finds that despite declining rates of teen smoking and widespread bans on smoking in public places, 48 percent of middle - and high school students are exposed to secondhand smoke every year.
The students had just found out that they — like middle and high school students across the country, boosted by fundraising campaigns and the wise support of their principals, teachers, parents, and local community leaders — were taking a school trip to see Black Panther for free.
«Studies found that elementary schools were pretty well taken care of with after - school child care, and high schools had such high - caliber programs as youth - leadership development and arts and theater,» says Salmons, who points out that middle school students, meanwhile, were vastly underserved.
He founded the News Literacy Project in 2008 with the goal of training middle and high school students in the fine art of navigating the Internet minefield.
Thirty - three percent of the earliest cohorts of KIPP middle - school students were found to have graduated college within six years, four times the average rate of students from underserved communities and slightly higher than the figure (31 percent) for all U.S. students.
In fact, this research, which tested middle school, high school and college level students, found that 80 per cent of participants thought that sponsored articles were actual articles, and had a hard time distinguishing where this information actually came from.
We found that the pathway to becoming the leader of a classroom starts in middle and high school, so we ask: How do we engage middle and high school students to think about teaching as a career?
(p. 22) On later earnings they find: «Charter high school attendance is associated with an increase in maximum annual earnings for students between ages 23 and 25 of $ 2,347 — or about 12.7 percent higher earnings than for comparable students who attended a charter middle school but matriculated to a traditional high school
A US study titled Schoolwide intervention to reduce chronic tardiness at the middle and high school levels found that «instructional time lost to widespread tardiness is likely to significantly affect the capacity of the entire student population to meet rigorous academic standards».
A Lesson in Proofing Students in middle and high school learn to use Word's Find / Replace feature to check written work, increase accuracy, and improve their grades.
The study «Learn and Serve» evaluated service learning program at 17 middle and high schools in the United States, and found that students who participated in service learning improved acceptance of cultural diversity, service leadership, civic attitudes and volunteer behavior, and reduced engagement in risky behaviors.
The study, part of the Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series at Harvard University, found that students moving from grade 5 into middle school show a «sharp drop» in math and language arts achievement in the transition year that plagues them as far out as 10th grade, even risking thwarting their ability to graduate high school and...
Other lessons on the topic for elementary school, middle school, and high school students can be found at These Kids Mean Busines $.
What we found in our initial prototypes — launching an innovation lab space, creating a design thinking professional development experience, and running student - facing design challenges for middle - and high - school classes — was that the design thinking process functioned as a kind of oasis for educators, reconnecting them to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doers, not just as test takers.
Nor do the researchers find evidence that students who attend middle schools make larger achievement gains than their K - 8 peers in grades 9 and 10, by which time most Florida students have entered high school.
An independent evaluation of a three - year pilot of the effective - schools concept throughout the state found that the greatest improvements occurred among students in the primary, elementary, and middle schools, rather than in the high schools, participating in the project.
The survey — which included interviews with 1,000 teenagers and 829 parents — found that 62 percent of high school students and 23 percent of middle school students reported attending schools where illegal drugs are readily available.
At about the same time, Johns Hopkins University researcher Robert Balfanz and the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research were finding that chronic absenteeism in middle and high school was a leading indicator that students would droSchool Research were finding that chronic absenteeism in middle and high school was a leading indicator that students would droschool was a leading indicator that students would drop out.
Middle school, high school, and college students, parents, teachers, librarians, and counselors will find sections devoted entirely to their interests.
The authors found that in the specific year when students move to a middle school (or to a junior high), their academic achievement, as measured by standardized tests, falls substantially in both math and English relative to that of their counterparts who continue to attend a K — 8 elementary school.
A survey of 725 middle and high school teachers, and 600 parents of students in those grades, found high levels of frustration among teachers regarding discipline issues.
PSA's findings demonstrate that Citizen Schools bridges the transition from middle school to high school and improves performance in core academic courses and high - stakes tests well after students graduate from the program.
Teachers will find standards - based lesson plans for high school, middle school, and elementary school students, as well as articles, essays, and more.
They demonstrate that attending an oversubscribed charter middle or high school has a clear positive effect on students» math and reading achievement, but also find that this «on - average» result obscures dramatic variation.
College prep and admissions are serious business, but gamifying the process may just help middle and high school students understand the challenges and find solutions.
Lecturer Rick Weissbourd, Ed.D.» 87, commenting on his new study that found that middle and high school students care more about personal achievement and being happy than caring for others.
For example, Mizelle (1995) found that students who stayed together with the same teachers through sixth, seventh, and eighth grades and experienced more hands - on, life - related learning activities, integrated instruction, and cooperative learning groups were more successful in their transition to high school than were students from the same school who had a more traditional middle school experience.
In recent years, several studies using randomized admission lotteries have found large and persistent impacts on student achievement, even for middle school and high school students.
A September 2013 study from Mathematica Policy Research found that TFA middle and high school math teachers outperform other math teachers in their schools, by the equivalent of students gaining 3 points on a 100 - point test.
Similarly, in a comprehensive program at Sunrise Middle School in inner - city Philadelphia, Oates and her colleagues (1998) found that students who participated in a Community for Learning Program (CFL) were more successful in their transition into high school than students who had not participated in the CFL prSchool in inner - city Philadelphia, Oates and her colleagues (1998) found that students who participated in a Community for Learning Program (CFL) were more successful in their transition into high school than students who had not participated in the CFL prschool than students who had not participated in the CFL program.
As a result, the Evidence for ESSA website has found Achieve3000 to have strong evidence of efficacy for Middle and High School Students.
A third study using a different approach and using data only on Texas schools finds mixed results in the first year of implementation including negative impacts on student achievement in elementary and middle school, and positive effects on high school graduation rates.
A 2016 report by the Stanford History Education Group, analyzing the work of roughly 7,800 middle school, high school, and college - level students, found that a majority were unable to tell sponsored advertisements from real articles, or to recognize where information they read was coming from.
Positive effects of charter schools on student achievement were found at both the middle and high school levels and across subjects.
We found that after middle school and high school teachers worked with ASMP mentors for just one year, their students from diverse backgrounds make statistically significant gains in math compared with students taught by «business - as - usual» teachers.
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