Sentences with phrase «middle class norms»

In a world shaped according to consumer middle class norms, Hasköy youth, who are very much aware of the fact that unless they exhibit this consumerism in their bodies and life practices, they won't earn respect and will be subject to ostracizing, othering words / gazes, seek salvation in trying to be like the middle class.
Some of the most successful anti-poverty initiatives, like the Harlem Children's Zone or the KIPP schools, are designed around the premise that children raised in concentrated poverty need to be taught middle class norms.

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To my mind, the boys - in - the - girls» - room message dramatizes something middle - class communities sense, which is that the entire LGBT project and allied movements undermine social norms for boys and girls and try to put in their place unworkable gender ideologies.
According to this view, the New Deal had a more profound impact on American society than even its most ardent admirers have suggested: it imposed norms of relative equality in pay that persisted for more than 30 years, creating the broadly middle - class society we came to take for granted.
When Newbigin wrote this in 1941, one of the main «social facts» in the United States was that public norms were dictated by a distinctly American Protestant culture in the white middle class.
The» church can not be satisfied with a middle - class norm but must reach the working man in his language and culture.
The structures of the romance genre — which rely upon white, middle - class, able - bodied, and heterosexual norms of social mobility and citizenship through the marriage union — make a nonstereotypical and nondiscriminatory inclusion of black and disabled people quite difficult, since social mobility, rights of citizenship, and marriage are still actively denied to black and disabled people.»
However, any such expectations were confounded by Winterbottom's creation of a work that challenged generic norms and tested the boundaries of the content deemed acceptable for the middle - aged middle class audiences that are the genre's mainstay.
On the flip side, three - quarters of young people who fail to follow any of those norms will be poor, and almost none will be middle class.
They estimate that 98 percent of individuals who follow those three norms will not be poor, and almost three - quarters will be solidly middle class.
Ninety - eight percent of the people who followed those norms aren't poor; the vast majority are in the middle class.
KIPP explicitly teaches middle - class habits and norms, assigns lots of homework, and boasts a longer school day, week, and year.
Students in low - income contexts are asked to learn a second set of cultural codes that will be tested on exams normed to the majority population, or the middle class population.
The hallmark of no - excuses schools is a frankly paternalistic and unapologetic commitment to acculturating low - income students to the achievement - oriented habits and norms typical of their middle - class and affluent counterparts.
Because they are committed to actively crafting and imposing middle - class norms, no - excuses schools must embrace this position openly and publicly.
Because public school teaching, leadership, and governance tend to reflect white middle - class norms, educators may not be aware of the variety of child - rearing practices that exist in their school communities.
Posey - Maddox would cite this disparity in funding as one of the ways in which white middle - class and upper - class parent involvement and fundraising in «recreate new patterns of inequality within schools» (92 - 3) because they create new norms and expectations that are exclusive of low - income and minority parents.
Continue down this path and middle - class Canadians will just have to accept that $ 1 million for an average home is the new norm in Canada.
The short term loans in Canada have become a norm for people who belong to the middle - class.
He seeks out what the ordinary so often conceals: the demise of the middle class, typically presumed to be the norm, yet, increasingly, the opposite is true.
I know family court judges who don't have passports and am frankly shocked — until you experience foreign cultures its hard to truly understand that radically different approaches to parenting other than the current American middle - class norm might be effective (and might not be potentially abusive).
For middle - class families, however, and especially families characterized by lower quality relationships, declines in parental knowledge over time appear to be the norm.
It is important to note that the results of Study 2 may not be generalized beyond our particular sample of Indian participants who may have come from predominately middle or upper class backgrounds and potentially experienced increased exposure to individualistic concepts and norms.
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