Sentences with phrase «middle class party»

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While former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders are expected to duke it out in an intensifying battle for the party nomination, themes of the weak economy and the struggles of the middle class are likely to take center stage.
Secondly, this focus on the middle class isn't an empty rhetorical device but a governing principle for the party as it renews itself.
Given how the state had spent time building up a new middle class,» [a] ny deviation from the mainstream, or irony, is seen as a threat to the credibility and legitimacy of the [Chinese Communist] Party in bringing [an] idealized way of life to reality,» Arsene told CNBC in an email.
In party - line votes on Tuesday, Brady's tax committee voted down eight Democratic amendments that would have preserved or expanded tax breaks for the middle class, nullified the tax legislation if it increased the deficit in future years and maintained taxes on foreign profits of U.S. corporations.
We're in the last week of a federal election campaign, and every party wants you to believe they're there for the hardworking families of a middle class under enormous pressure.
Government action to influence the price of goods might strike Canadians as out of place in the Conservative playbook but Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Tories are acutely concerned about dispelling the notion they're the party of «big business» as they target middle - class voters.
There will also be inevitable blowback from business interests, but their Republican allies in Congress should think twice about backing them up: No party and no politician that opposes the new overtime rules can credibly claim to care about the middle class.
The longer Europe refuses to debate honestly about debt and the euro, and the the longer it suffers from stagnation and unemployment, the more credible the Front National becomes in denouncing centrist parties for sacrificing workers and the middle class to protect the interest of bankers.
Analysts point to the growth of an urban «middle class,» composed of favoured members of the Workers» Party and military, official, entrepreneurial, and technical elites.
OAKVILLE, ON — Liberals will strengthen the middle class, create jobs, and grow Canada's economy by making historic new investments in infrastructure, announced the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada have been preparing the ground for a policy agenda focused on the problems of the middle class.
Chang — who said upper - middle - class investors are buying smaller apartments for themselves or their children — said that his Beijing contacts expect investment to pick up now that the Communist Party's 19th Congress is in the rearview mirror.
It is on the Republican party and the lower middle - class.
I will do my part make sure that President Obama returns to the Whitehouse and continues to work for the Middle Class who have been deluded by the Republican Party and the so called Christian Right these past 30 years.
Despite the rhetoric of both the Democratic and Republican parties heralding the U.S. as a republic of stockholders, Phillips observes that «middle - class families held (just) 2.8 percent of the total growth in stock market holdings between 1989 and 1998, but accounted for 38.7 percent of the rise in household debt.»
His candidacy would combine upfront social conservatism with an economic message targeted at the middle - class and struggling wage - earners rather than at the party's lobbyist and donor elites.
It represents the inevitable confusion of middle - class intellectualism which imagines that political changes are achieved by the united efforts of good people who bring pressure to bear upon traditional political parties.
Sometimes, I think that the Republican Party and The Tea Party movement wants the «middle class» to become poor or homeless.
When I was young, Poor and middle class evangelical Christians were in the Democratic Party.
Think of the gulf that separates the fundamental attitudes toward drinking of a certain upper - class Episcopal church with its occasional «sherry parties» after services from the attitudes of a middle - class Baptist church with its annual «temperance speaker.»
That is why, we are told, the Democratic presidential candidates are pitching to the middle class and avoiding the party's traditional themes of helping the disadvantaged.
The first half of Grand New Party is a retelling of twentieth - century American political history, all from the perspective of middle - class families.
In Minority Party, Scripps Howard newspaperman Peter Brown cites the Sumas to support his argument that the Democrats simply abandoned the middle class, the values as well as the people.
Until someone invents a party with common sense as the main platform, I'll stick with the one that seems to understand that a healthy middle class equals a healthy economy.
This is a delicious treat that me and my class at Claremont Middle school are making for a party!
The Jordans epitomize the blue - collar, white, middle - class, so - called «average Americans» who now find their political affiliation with the Republican fringe of the Tea Party.
And now brown and Mandy run back to new labour to try and get the middle class to vote for it, new labour is nothing more then a Thatcherite party, and she lost and a Pray New labour is kicked out of power even if it means it never agains takes power
Resort to offensive analogies that might just about pass muster at a north London middle - class stand - up comedy gig are not a substitute for serious debate on matters as weighty as the future direction of the Labour Party.
If Labour is the party of investment and aspiration for middle - class families, then why does it promote everything but the normal, stable, self - financing, nuclear family unit in which most of these people truly aspire to exist and participate?
It's undoubtedly a reason why the lower middle class flocked to the Conservatives in 2015 and it's a reason why working class voters are continuing to haemorrhage from the Labour party.
The responsibility for the crisis is identified in turn with Berlusconi and his failure to deliver on the liberal revolution he repeatedly promised; with the Democratic Party which many saw as hopeless during the long years in opposition; and finally, with Mario Monti, whose technocratic government some perceive as the product of the economic establishment which created the crisis and is now passing the costs on to the middle class.
Truth is many on the left, both professionally in the party and socially via the vote, supported section 28, believe homosexual practice to be wrong, thinks the EU erodes their freedom not enhances it, and finds state - funded baby - killing to be a poor indicator of a supposedly «civilised» society: whatever the middle - class metropolitan «progressives» might sneeringly say.
What seems like an obvious shift is revolutionary for the Tories because the Party has largely ignored the lower middle class in recent times — preferring to talk about how to help the most disadvantaged.
Upon Ed Miliband's election as leader of the Labour Party, The Guardian reported that after looking at Policy Network's Southern Discomfort Again pamphlet, he is expected to set up a commission into the so - called «squeezed middle», modelled on the inquiry set up by Joe Biden into the US middle class.
There exists the perception that Labour has become a party for middle - class oddballs who are London based or focused.
By attempting to secure the votes of forgotten working - class voters, UKIP risks alienating its core middle - class supporters from the south east of England — who remain attached to the party's libertarian agenda.
The remnants of Scottish Labour are more New Labourite than ever: Dugdale, Murray and their «new generation to take the Scottish Labour Party forward» will likely continue their swing to the dismal centre, leaving the interests of «the vulnerable» to the SNP, and attempting to build Scottish Labour into the middle class unionist bastion of Jim Murphy's dreams.
Bluntly, your hope is that an issue that matters to you and to many educated middle - class people (but not to most Labour voters, who may well regard the idea in the same way as many Conservatives, as a way to give unfair influence to Liberal Democrats), electoral reform, is important enough to form an electoral alliance over, despite the fact this would leave many party members unable to vote (and who would get to stand in say Durham or Redcar anyway?).
I don't think that necessarily means both parties disregard that demographic in practice, but rather, they're just focusing their marketing dollars on what they feel is the bigger ROI (middle class).
So the Democrats are portraying the Republicans as the party of the rich, and themselves as the party of everyone else, middle class and poor.
«The Working Families Party no longer has anything to do with working families and has forgotten their goals of bettering the lives of the working - and middle - class,» he said.
Since the middle class comprise the majority of eligible voters, the Democratic Party has been targeting them in its message, while continuing to preserve and enhance the programs that target the poor.
``... The Post has had a grudge against unions — and the Working Families Party — for years, because we represent the working class and middle class families that Murdoch and his ilk so desperately want to crush on their way to the yacht club.»
The two main parties have done a fair job of splitting up the remaining classes, with one side having the appearance of caring for lower more, and the other for upper, but in reality, that only really matters if they aren't getting the larger share of «the middle class».
I'd guess that with only two parties, people in the center of the spectrum might not feel as strongly drawn to either side, especially in the suburban middle class.
A faction of the Republican Party is pushing austerity budgets, including cuts to social programs that are popular with the middle class, such as Social Security (government - funded retirement pension) and Medicare (government - funded retirement health insurance).
The party is experiencing its own class war, with many working class supporters demanding a reduction and middle class supporters typically more supportive.
Miliband and his hard working party of the well off middle class pratts.
In calling Labour a «bourgeoise workers» party», Lenin was essentially correct — it is a manual worker / middle class formation and is only successful on this basis, especially in present times.
However, in the UK if you explicitly said «We are the party of the middle class», not even many people who were middle class would find this attractive.
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