Sentences with phrase «middle life seems»

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From the comfort of your couch, you can explore Middle Earth or travel through space and time in a phone booth, making stress from daily life seem far away.
So it seems possible that in the coming decade, as the tech titans of today hit middle age, the most generative stage of life, they will unleash an unprecedented wave of philanthropy.
So when somebody does something like that, I might respond in a way that to the middle - aged white professor seems really excessive, but in the life of that kid is really human — there's an incentive to reacting really harshly.
Phillips Brooks put it once in unforgettable words: «To keep clear of concealment, to keep clear of the need of concealment, to do nothing which he might not do out on the middle of Boston Common at noon - day, — I can not say how more and more that seems to me to be the glory of a young man's life.
I haven't discussed the peculiar propensity for religious conflict that seems to be characteristic of the Southern Crossroads or the enormous importance of the Middle Atlantic region to American Jewish life.
they all look like dudes from Huntington Beach... and listening to all the heavy British accented actors portenting to be pre AD middle easterners is hysterical... I believe the Burnetts are good people but they live in a make believe Christian world where things are literally black and white including it seems Lucifer...!
That God's love, manifest in diverse ways throughout the duration of the universe, might come to a full and unsurpassable self - expression in an individual human being who lived and died in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago does not seem incongruous with what we now understand about the nature of an evolving universe, especially if we regard religion as a phenomenon emergent from the universe rather than just something done on the earth by cosmically homeless human subjects.
In fact, I think this villiage idiot needs to join the 21st century, but it would seem he is content to live in the middle ages!
Niebuhr's «emerging view» of the minister seems to be open to and internally unprotected from the serious threat of being taken captive ideologically as a religious sanction for a certain kind of North American middle - class life and its values.
... the fear often is expressed that the «rather amorphous middle position termed «evangelicalism, living between a left wing capitulation to ethnology - sociology and a right wing reaction to the same disciplines, «seems more ready to expend their time and energy in defense of older formulations of Christian truths than to grapple with the matter of reformulating these truths in terms of new conceptual frameworks.»
We have no eyewitness accounts of his life, which seems to be an amalgam of all of the various savior myths common in the Middle East at the time.
Western Europeans seemed to be resolving the tension between Christian and un-Christian customs so prominent in the Middle Ages by abandoning any attempt to live up to the standards of the New Testament.
It may not be your intention — but you are stepping in the middle of a serious debate that may seem trivial to you, but has been life and death for billions through the ages.
My third visit to Paris was just last year, in the middle of my work trip, when I was, it seemed living someone else's life for a bit.
Mike (@mikelaskey) When Alabama seemed to have the game in hand in the middle of the fourth quarter, my wife — who doesn't watch football at all — came into the living room and said Auburn was going to win.
«Teaching life lessons» seems to be a phrase that every coach has embraced of late, so much so that it seems to have taken on a life of its own, particularly in the context of middle and high school sports.
It's phrase you have probably heard a lot lately, so much so that it seems to have taken on a life of its own, particularly in the context of middle and high school sports.
Things weren't necessarily going the way that I thought they should go... and we certainly weren't in a place much above scraping the bottom... but somehow, in that moment, I found a little bit of hope and, like a life raft in the middle of a stormy ocean, I clung to that little piece of hope because it was all it seemed like I had to hold onto.
Mothers who try to live up to the new parenting standards of the professional middle class seem to have few options: They can overwork themselves, or they can leave the workforce.
Certainly everybody that I saw in my short time was extremely interested in purchasing a car and if they happen to be from the more upwardly mobile kind of middle class, they were very interested in buying not a fuel - efficient car but a hummer even, you know, pretty much following the exact same model as the American aspiration or, you know, the «American dream» model and certainly the suburbs seem to be a growing trend and if you noticed that, Philip, you know, I visited a suburb called Orange County outside of Beijing and it really looked like Orange County and they even had like the palm trees and everything and I saw these in all the cities I visited Chongqing, Chengdu, various other cities that I visited, they were ringed by suburbs and the folks who live there, you know, the privileged few were using cars to commute into the cities for work.
If the motivation for punching through a display seems elusive, think about all the prime image - display space around you that has too much foot traffic for a conventional screen: hallways, sidewalks, doorways, and the area smack in the middle of your living room, your office, or a mall shop.
I have always favored a middle position: A little digital rights management seems appropriate (as someone who makes a living by selling books, I can appreciate the need to keep piracy in check), but I'm opposed to restrictions that end up altering the nature of digital materials.
Crumbling houses and dirt roads are side by side with all the high - end amenities for tourists on vacation, and the people who live in the middle of it don't seem like it weighs on their minds in the least.
The study participants were 3.5 times more likely to develop vascular dementia if they'd experienced depression symptoms in both middle age and later in life, which suggests that «recurring depression over the life course seems to be triggering vascular changes that puts [people] at risk for vascular dementia,» says lead author Deborah E. Barnes, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.
And in 2009, two coffee studies suggested additional benefits: Coffee - drinking men seemed to have a lower risk of advanced or lethal prostate cancer than other men, and middle - aged people who drank moderate amounts of coffee — three to five cups a day — had the lowest risk for dementia and Alzheimers disease later in life compared to less (or more) frequent drinkers.
Game Night seems to be setting up Max and Annie as a high - achieving upper - middle - class power couple, but it turns out that where real life is concerned, they're only in the middle of the pack.
What is most admirable in this excellent film is how Heineman risks his life in the middle of the crossfire with his camera so that he can show us this tragic, appalling and complex situation to which there seems to be no solution and where one step forward means two steps back.
At the same time, conflict in the Middle East seems to have made its way to American's shores, decimating life as we know it.
Evelyn is convinced she's been given a second chance to live with her husband, who now happens to want to take control of the entire planet from a central base in a massive, open - plan facility — long, cavernous hallways that seem to have no end — built under a no - horse town in the middle of nowhere.
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life seems to be aiming for the exact same audience and reception.
Like a cartoon brought to life in your home, the music in this soundtrack seems to flow out of the speakers and carry you up in the air, where you float right in the middle of the ensemble - sung goodness.
Whether we like it or not, an «educational» deathblow seems to be on the horizon: The university time - tested gatekeeper - of - knowledge model with its one - way - ticket promise to a solid middle - class life may be seen to fall apart irrevocably.
Later in the novel, though, when Lucy lived alone in the middle of nowhere with William and knew she was unhappy - it seemed to me that she might find a person in a town she could tell or even Patrick could have helped her by helping her phone her aunt or Charlotte.
As Passive Guy points out, «[t] he exquisite moral balancing described seems to ignore one big reality — most bookstore employees are working at minimum wage with little hope of being able earn enough from their employment to live in a pleasant residence, support a family or enjoy the even the most modest trappings of a middle - class life.
So, it does seem somewhat cliché the woman who cares so much about animals winds up with people who teach her there's a middle path, helping her come to terms with the part animals play in the big scheme of life.
It seems that dogs have a penchant for choosing the middle of the night or the middle of the living -LSB-...]
Living is easy on the middle level with exceptionally stylish dining and living areas that just seem to keep going out to the spacious balcony where Laguna Bay and the rainforest canopy of Noosa National Park stretch out majestically before yourLiving is easy on the middle level with exceptionally stylish dining and living areas that just seem to keep going out to the spacious balcony where Laguna Bay and the rainforest canopy of Noosa National Park stretch out majestically before yourliving areas that just seem to keep going out to the spacious balcony where Laguna Bay and the rainforest canopy of Noosa National Park stretch out majestically before your eyes.
It seems even the Mujahideen living in the middle of nowhere know that having to use AA batteries for ur controller is lame.
You'll have him on a journey first seeing the place he's lived in burnt to the ground, seeing loved ones killed and he seems to be in the middle of it all no matter where he goes.
And as I grow older and fartier with what seems like every passing second, it's characters like Geralt of Rivia I find myself growing closer to - the more life - like middle ground where pleasantly brutal violence goes hand - in - hand with believable characters, convincing relationships and repercussions.
We are now living in a time when the New York School would seem moribund, especially when its greatest achievements occurred in the middle of the last century!
Tate Britain's Paul Nash retrospective (26 October 2016 — 5 March 2017) falls in the middle of the nation's First World War centenary commemorations, which seems fitting for an artist whose life and work was altered so dramatically by his experiences on the Western Front.
Given that Einstein once said, «In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,» he would have surely agreed with Hawking when the latter said, «However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.»
«If you are in the middle of it and don't know when it's going to end that tunnel could seem like forever but just know that out of your entire life even if you were married for 30 years, this little divorce; even it lasts on the longer end of 3 - 4 years, that's still such a small amount of time compared to what you had before you were married, and the amount of years you have after you were married.
Life in middle school and high school can be very dramatic — the conflicts, grudges, and loyalties might seem silly to you, but really do matter to your teen.
One, my middle child lives there while going to school and that seems to be another few years.
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