Sentences with phrase «middle way»

This exercise — see the photos below — is a kind of middle way between the other two.
I belong to those who advocate for a golden middle way in most Biblical discussions, also the works vs. faith debate.
This post looks at the two sides of the social justice debate, and then suggests a third middle way on social justice issues.
I am thrilled that you seek to find that golden middle way in your own discussions and writing.
I would suggest to find a right middle way between the two questions I wrote above.
With national obesity rates rising and the fitness industry booming, is there a more sensible middle way?
Style influencers like celebrities know how to find the golden middle way to make an impression.
The only reasonable expectation was that the result would resemble some sort of middle way between the states» various standards.
he is also an advisor to the all - party parliamentary middle way group and an honorary member of the Veterinary Association for Wildlife Management.
He is now an animal welfare consultant to Countryside Alliance and the all - party parliamentary middle way group.
With the political divide over health care reform still strong going into this year's elections, a new analysis of state - level decisions shows signs of an emerging middle way toward reducing the ranks of the uninsured.
In other words, we should seek a liberal democratic middle way between relativism and fundamentalism.
Shortcomings notwithstanding, it has been seeking a prophetic, creative and responsible middle way between collectivism and laissez - faire capitalism for more than a century.
The proper solution is the Cartwright - Holloway middle way, but it has been too long in coming.
It offered a moderate middle way between the rigidity of the «old synthesis» and the new and devastating «modernism» sweeping into the Church.
Labour has spent years middling its way through the political landscape.
Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D - Concord, the author of Assembly Bill 934, had hoped to navigate a narrow middle way amid opposition from teachers unions, who called the bill an attack on teachers» due - process rights, and education groups that called the latest version of the bill a retreat from a comprehensive approach to reform.
While in residence, artists may elect to learn about farm - to - table living with Grin City's Farm Outreach Program working with Grin City's organic Middle Way Farm.
Indeed, how can Shellenberger & Nordhaus represent a new middle way if the center has already shifted so dramatically and everyone's ready for bold action (i.e. strong regulations)?
A few years back Cardinal Avery Dulles convincingly praised Aquinas» middle way between a «too carnal -LSB-...] naive realism» and an approach that is too «mystical» or «figurative».
Cold - weather sets can be both minimalist and creative if you find the golden middle way.
Meanwhile, Quebec has already passed legislation for a pension based on «middle way» principles, which it calls voluntary retirement savings plans.
Many pension experts support such a «middle way» approach that's not purely voluntary but far more flexible than CPP.
Happily, when it comes to creativity, there appears to be a middle way between in - born effortless genius and laborious, time - intensive practice.
In a post laying out several tips for start - ups in the new year, Blumenthal separates the big data hype from the reality on the ground for many small businesses, and offers sensible - sounding advice on how founders can avoid being overwhelmed by walking a middle way.
There has to be a middle way — a guide to storytelling that provides enough structure to give shape to a baggy narrative but not so much complexity that we get lost in the weeds.
Her approach represents a middle way in which business success doesn't mean ignoring your community or leaving the planet worse off than you found it.
The solution for this team was a middle way.
You need to walk a middle way.
For those unwilling to add currency research to their due diligence, however, there is a middle way.
He suggests a type of evangelical history that is a middle way between skepticism and faith alone: the supernaturalist should first specify the circumstances that are to be considered exceptions to ordinary historical reason and then specify what rules would apply to these exceptions.
This is the problem with Martin's «middle way
But if we do not take the risk, we can only take the middle way, and even if we plunge into armed, violent, extremist revolution, we are still among the lukewarm.
The authors choose the middle way and let evangelist David Sproul and historian George Dollar represent the attackers.
Thomas is treading the middle way he sees in De an.
This is the middle way of panentheism.
It would mean that evangelicals are perhaps finding a «middle way» between traditional exclusivism on the one hand and outright universalism on the other.
But there is a third way, a middle way.
I would love to talk with Paper about this, because I would suggest another way, a third way, a middle way.
So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years — Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l'entre deux guerres — Trying to learn to use words, and every attempt Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure Because one has only learnt to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which One is no longer disposed to say it.
It seems to me that a whole range of more or less conservative thinkers aim to steer a middle way between a deductive, natural law approach to political things and the anti-rationalism highlighted by Muller.
Smith and Denton regard this «recognizable religion» as a middle way between organizational religion (that of churches, denominations and seminaries) and individual religion (which is idiosyncratic, eclectic, syncretistic).
Buddhism is the middle way, eschewing asceticism.
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