Sentences with word «midge»

A midge is a tiny, flying insect that resembles a mosquito or a small fly. Full definition
Following extensive literature research, the scientists are certain: a biting midge with this kind of wing structure has never been described before.
Most studies of adaptive radiation in natural systems have focused on consumer - resource interactions and competition, but in this study, researchers show that enemies are a potent source of selection that helps to drive adaptive divergence among populations of gall midges on goldenrod plants.
These results imply that predators are driving the evolution of phenotypic diversity in symbiotic defense traits in this system, and that divergence in defensive morphology may provide ecological opportunities that help to fuel the adaptive radiation of this genus of midges on goldenrods.
We evaluate natural enemies as primary agents of diversifying selection on the phenotypes of an actively diverging lineage of gall midges on tall goldenrod.
And changes in algal communities led to a rise in midges and blackflies — favored foods of trout — resulting in a near tripling of non-native rainbow trout numbers.
Both Akabane and Shamonda virus belong to the so - called Simbu serogroup and are known to infect ruminants and to be transmitted by midges.
Einstein dismissed it as «completely useless,» but the new study shows that midge swarms effectively behave like self - gravitating systems that are bound together by speed - dependent forces.
This tool uses thousands of tiny midge larvae heads in lake sediments to map past temperatures and calibrate climate models.
Some biologists have mused that red spikes on the flowers offer nutritious nibbling for midges, but Kearney knows of no tests of this notion.
«Biting midge species alive today do not have these «pockets» on their wings,» reports Stebner.
Present - day biting midges use attractants for their «blind dates» — however, they do not distribute the substances from their wings but instead from their abdomen.
When predators such as the larvae of phantom midges feed on Daphnia, the predators release a chemical signal that cues various species of water fleas to arm themselves with an array of defenses.
Instead of building a model describing the microscale movement of individuals and confronting it with experimental data, the authors built a model of swarm behaviour that is consistent with experimental observations, in terms of swarm density, of individual midges» speed and acceleration.
They identified a gene, found only in one specific group of midge flies, which determines the patterning of the head and tail in developing embryos.
Wotton started thinking about the importance of insect migration after 2011, when windblown midges carried an exotic virus into the southern United Kingdom that caused birth defects in cattle on his family's farm.
Insecticides, such as fly spray or citronella oil, should be applied regularly every day in the spring and summer to keep biting midges from landing on the horse's skin.
(In East Africa they even provide protein for people who turn the newly emerged midges into a patty called Kunga cake.)
The researchers assume that these «pockets» were used by the female midge to collect store and spray disseminate pheromones in an unusually efficient way in order to attract sexual partnersmales.
When midges bite your horse, his skin will become swollen, tender, inflamed, and itchy.
To Kearney, those frail midges seem unlikely to fly the distance from too - close sibling clusters to unrelated trees that offer better cross-pollination chances.
Instead, flies not much bigger than a poppy seed, in the biting midge subfamily Forcipomyiinae, crawl up into the hoods and do — something.
Yet midges typically emerge from a flower hood dappled with just a few to 30 grains of the sticky white stuff.
As a three - dimensional digital model of the female biting midge shows, it possesses a unique, vesicular structure at the front edge of both of its wings.
Poinar suggested in the journal American Entomologist that the origins of this deadly disease, which today can infect animals ranging from humans and other mammals to birds and reptiles, may have begun in an insect such as the biting midge more than 100 million years ago.
Speed - dependent forces are very unusual, but they make biological sense because acoustic and visual interactions between midges — which are the basis of their adaptive movement — are very similar to gravitational interactions.
A native of Belgium, Vermeulen, 37, earned a Ph.D. in biology at the University of Leuven, looking at teeth deformities in the larvae of nonbiting midges.
Previous studies pointed to midges interacting primarily via long - range acoustic sensing.
«Orange blossom midge has become a problem at this time of year on wheat, but 15 years ago, we had never heard of it.
The Saddle Gore midge is another problem we are starting to hear about.
They create snares of mucus to trap midges, and their glowing tail is to lure their prey into the sticky trap.
The biting midge Culicoides (Trithecoides) anophelis Edwards is a predator of engorged mosquitoes, which was first described by Edwards in 1922 [1].
The breadth of the collections allows studies that require lots of samples, such as Steve Brooks» «midge thermometer».
Early studies of chironomids, a group of mosquito - like midges, found that ultraviolet light or RNAse targeted toward the front portion of embryos led to double - abdomen formation (two tail ends and no head), which suggested that localized RNA in the anterior egg might function as head determinant.
Belgica Antarctica, a wingless midge that's the largest land animal in Antarctica.
Even more interesting is that natural selection by these parasitic wasps on gall form is ongoing and still very strong, providing both a window into past processes of diversification and a divination of future adaptive diversification in this gall midge lineage.
A researcher has recently published a description of eight new non-biting midge species, but has found many more.
Hyperalgesic and marry Angel titanoso midge take up desi dating usa and degrade in disgust.
Sweet itch is an allergic reaction to the bites of culicoides midges, sometimes called «no - see - ums» in some regions.
Hot and humid conditions can make midge infestations worse, affecting more horses.
Opening the windows let in midges.
Adaptive - radiation studies have focused on resource competition, but enemies drive phenotypic diversity in gall midges
Everyone is familiar with the tiny midges that pounce on you in swarms in a forest or in meadows and whose bites are incredibly painful.
Bluetongue virus, a ruminant virus spread by midges that was once confined to tropical areas, has reached as far as Norway.
It was formed, from the word midge «small fly» + - et, so that a midget is etymologically a «very small small fly».
Today's biting midges use significantly simpler attractant evaporators structures for pheromone release on their abdomen.
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