Sentences with phrase «midlisters who»

My focus has usually been on the indie midlisters who are finding readers and paying bills and who otherwise wouldn't be published at all.
Plus he's a ridiculously nice guy, still a regular on the Kindle Boards, sharing with other indie authors all the ins and outs of his crazy awesome success, and advocating to the media how the real indie success stories are midlisters who make a living off their writing, not just mega-successful authors like him.
Most authors, including midlisters who make serious money from indie publishing, are not being flooded with offers from the Big 6.
Before you open your mouth and say something ignorant about this, remember that Joe Konrath is just ONE author that was a midlister who got zero support / promotion once a book was published.
There are different levels — the consistently - selling midlister versus the midlister who is now having declining sales for each subsequent project.
5) the midlister who fits «we got a deal before but never found an audience (PC, message, not much entertainment)» profile = failures.

Not exact matches

Give the midlisters a chance to get the word out about their books via your store, and who knows — maybe someday, they'll be the ones attracting shoppers in droves.
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