Sentences with phrase «midst of disagreement»

When you are your spouse hit up against it next — and you will — go ahead and fight it out, but fight it with the goal to grow closer, to understand him or her better and to love each other well even in the midst of disagreement.
It stated that «as United Methodists we remain in covenant with one another, even in the midst of disagreement, and reaffirm our commitment to work together for our common mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the world.»
One thing I love about the epistles of Scripture is the way in which the writers negotiate these tensions without calling for absolute agreement, but instead calling for absolute love in the midst of disagreement.
In the midst of disagreements, emotions are high and anger can build a wall that will prevent a couple from moving on.
In the midst of a disagreement, many couples ask themselves, «What are we really fighting about?»
Our clients are taught communication, even in the midst of disagreements, without bringing the «Four Horsemen» into the matter: contempt, criticism, defensiveness and stonewalling.
You have to behave like adults and remember that this is someone you love even in the midst of the disagreement.
Couples who «validate» are able to let each other know in the midst of disagreements that they each consider the emotions of the other as valid.
That's why I call such couples «validators»: In the midst of disagreement they still let their partners know that they consider his or her emotions valid, even if they don't agree with them.
It was when we were in the midst of this disagreement that David Pearce, our president, went to the board and said: «Look, we're stalled.
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