Sentences with phrase «midst of tragedy»

What would be most appropriate for the U.S.'s estimated 30 million atheists, agnostics, freethinkers and secularists would be a living garden, symbolizing renewal, and that life continues even in the midst of tragedy.
Yet there is also the sense of incompleteness because we find ourselves in the midst of tragedy and with hopes not yet realized.
It is an optimism for creaturely existence borne of the grace that transforms and sustains life in the midst of the tragedies of history.
But as he thanked people for coming, as he recounted his response to the paramedic, and as he reflected on what it means to praise God together even in the midst of a tragedy, he seemed to gather a strength that was not his own, that could have come only from the Spirit.
Many offered «comforting words of Scripture» to suggest he find God's will or some blessing in the midst of tragedy.
He meets us there, in the chaos and injustice, and brings indescribable peace in the midst of tragedy (Philippians 4:7).
He wants us to comfort those in the midst of the tragedies.
In a large white tent, the congregation sang «Amazing Grace» and Pomeroy told them they must choose life and hope, even in the midst of tragedy.
Many of the young urbanites who came that day, looking for meaning in the midst of tragedy, stayed.
In his essay «Hermeneutic of Hope,» Robinson declares that humankind's linguistically constituted world is a point of optimism and hope in the midst of its tragedies, for such a world is relative and possibly subject to positive change.
Praying the Lord's Prayer in the midst of tragedy is a timely reminder of the unity we all share as image - bearers of God.
«In the midst of this tragedy they still find a way to make humor in light of the fact that they are going through one of the worst natural disasters that have hit the island in the past hundred years... It was like they're mad and ready to get going.
Many children, and adults, seek a safe haven in the midst of tragedy.
It can, however, seem point - scoring and parochial to focus on some Ukip tweets in the midst of tragedy in Brussels.
In the midst of this tragedy, it's nice to know there is still some love out there.
My personal favorite, and probably the second most probable winner, is Naomi Watts and her visceral rendition of a self-less mother in the midst of tragedy.
Payne directs with his usual eagle eye for comedy in the midst of tragedy.
But Abraham Lincoln, when searching for meaning in the midst of the tragedy of the Civil War, invariably returned to his belief that the United States «shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth.»
Their stories are heartbreaking but, in the midst of tragedy, readers discover a quiet dignity that leads some slaves to resist and aspire to freedom.
Share this post with your friends to show that even in the midst of tragedy, there is hope!
It is amazing how in the midst of tragedy and grief we found a friend and confidant in you.
Painting can wait for another day if there is an opportunity to help in the midst of this tragedy.
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