Sentences with phrase «midwife support»

network and about the importance of having experienced midwife support.
Natural childbirth brings your family together in ways you can't imagine with the most amazing midwife support in San Antonio, Texas!
Which is why the American Public Health Association and the American College of Nurse Midwives support women choosing home birth.
Control (n = 89): women received a 2 - h antenatal infant feeding class, a breastfeeding book and midwife support for the first 3 postnatal weeks.
is that women be respected as full, empowered participants in their pregnancies and births; that babies be born into an atmosphere of love and reverence; that midwifery be recognized as the standard of care for all healthy women during the childbearing year; and that midwives support each other with as much passion as they support their clients, lifting each other up to maintain and improve the quality of care provided to birthing women and their families
What is so important to me as a midwife assistant is knowing that the midwife I support is so well trained and with her guidance and my education I feel confident that we can deal with any compromised birth situation.
There were many factors that made a midwife supported hospital birth right for us.
I've seen the midwives support their patients decision to decline IOL (I wonder about the informed consent process, but that's a different discussion), and then administer IV antibiotics at home every four hours, or have their client come to hospital for antibiotics, refuse induction and then go home again.
My first labor was only 12 hours, start to finish, so this really shocked us all... Delivered that way [half squat] with my midwife supporting my perenium.
I stood at the island drinking my red raspberry leaf tea, laughing and talking, while my doula rubbed my back and midwife supported my belly.
I had a goal of giving birth without medications, and with few or no interventions, and my midwives supported that.
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