Sentences with phrase «midwives at a first appointment»

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If you're pregnant, especially if it's for the first time, you may be wondering what will happen at your prenatal care appointments with your doctor or midwife.
Everyone's different but you usually have a midwife booking - in appointment at around 8 - 10 weeks in the first trimester, with the first scan at 12 weeks.
I met with a midwife that I really liked and we scheduled my first prenatal appointment at 8 weeks.
I have heard first - hand stories of women being denied epidurals, lied to about the effects of epidural analgesia, and not being provided with proper informed consent about the risks of going to 42 weeks at her 41 week appointment (as in, the mother wasn't told anything that was in the College of Midwives» sample consent document about increased risk of stillbirth).
And honestly, if they can't afford a hospital birth, chances are they can't afford a homebirth midwife — who are generally not cheap, who will not generally make payment arrangements (or rather, will not make the same type hospitals make, payable after the fact and in small monthly increments for years; midwife payment arrangements tend to be along the lines of «Half the fee at the first appointment, and the other half a month or two later»), and who will not deliver a baby without having been paid in full prior to onset of labor (I don't have a statistic, but it seems most midwives have this particular payment policy, and payment is non-refundable).
It can use the blood that is taken from the mother when she has her first appointment with her GP or midwife at the early stages of pregnancy, negating the need for multiple appointments and making best use of resources.
At my first prenatal appointment, I wasn't disappointed, and clicked immediately with the new midwife.
At my first prenatal appointment, the midwives confirmed by ultrasound that I was due in June... our little bambini (plural for «bambino», which means «baby» in Italian) would be 20 months apart!
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