Sentences with phrase «might come»

I was a little concerned that they might come out gaggy - sweet, but they were perfect in every way.
Notes from the recipe: «If your ingredients are too warm (butter specifically) these cookies might come out flatter than they should.
I take out the middle part, and hover a bowl that's about the same size as the lid over the top to catch any splatter that might come out.
When you hear the word braise, the first thing that might come to mind is meat.
«We also have had people come in that want to raise chickens for their family's needs or they might come in with a pet with an easily upset stomach,» Bratton says.
Do you think the bitterness might come from not «bleedin» the aubergines in salt to release their bitter juices?
In such a case, the government of man would necessarily recede into the background, and what is divine might come to the fore.
Hi Inge, yes if the consistency still is like a puree after 25 minutes, it sounds like you should bake them a bit longer (although they might come out a bit dry if you bake theme again after they have cooled).
It might come as a surprise to readers who know the work of Stanley Fish only by his reputation among conservative literary critics, but every sentence in his new book How Milton Works validates» indeed depends on» Hirsch's principles of interpretation.
A science might come to understand everything about the causes and elements of religion, and might even decide which elements were qualified, by their general harmony with other branches of knowledge, to be considered true; and yet the best man at this science might be the man who found it hardest to be personally devout.
He is also the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He might come to have first place in everything»
That finally falling in love trumps everything that might come afterwards.
But the subsequent discussion showed that Bultmann was concerned to minimize this element of continuity for the following reasons: (1) he was fearful that historical research might come to be used to legitimate the kerygma, which would be a denial of its nature as kerygma; and (2) he insisted that there can be no real material continuity, because the kerygma lays major emphasis upon a particular understanding of the death of Jesus, whereas we can never know how the historical Jesus understood his own death, and must always face the possibility that he simply broke down before it.
Someone might come up to you and tell you that you incorrect and may try to convert you, but they sure won't beat the carp out of you.
If only East and West could have a genuine «meeting,» he believed, more would be made in the West of this side of things while the East might come to appreciate that there is also something to be said for rationality and its human functioning.
Ignorance will not be an excuse for those who ignore God's Word but He is longsuffering that all might come to Him and be saved.
In my first lecture, defending the empirical method, I foretold that whatever conclusions we might come to could be reached by spiritual judgments only, appreciations of the significance for life of religion, taken «on the whole.»
It may also deliver them from the temporal judgment of God so that their life is prolonged that they might come to faith in Christ later.
He was clearly worried lest the tension between Erfurt and himself might come out in public: `... It would seem shameful, disgraceful and even scandalous that I should ascend to such dignity without you in Erfurt knowing of it, or being invited to it.
Grant it, by watching this show, someone might come to know christ, but with this show, Joel Osteen and his church are becoming more like the world.
Read up on this stuff, and you might come to see how close I am to what is likely the correct answer to the «origin of life on this planet».
It wasn't an anti-personal conception of the Gospel's effect; the Gospel might come to individual human hearts, but it does not stay there.
If you read the Good Samaritan parable told by Jesus, you might come away with the idea that Jesus wouldn't agree.
You can choose to believe that what He designed you for will fulfill you more than anything you might come up with or you can go your own way & see where it leads you (that's called sin).
He might come close, but political - spiritual leadership is a game of inches.
St. Paul warns us that we are not to do evil that good might come, which means we should not endorse a wicked political leader, even if he holds out the promise of forestalling greater evils.
Holloway affirms that «we are not to do evil that good might come» and that «we should not endorse a wicked political leader, even if he holds out the promise of forestalling greater evils.»
I estimate the probability to be virtually zero but you can and might come up with some other value.
The creativity might come from a «super-God» beyond the series of divine entities.
Bonhoeffer recognized that in an increasingly secularized world a time might come when Christianity everywhere would be deprived of the recognition and privileges that it once enjoyed.
From these conceptual samples — a little nothing here, a little nothing there — he holds that we can conceive of an all - encompassing nothing which might come to be or might have been.
Still, this statement implicitly does not rule out the possibility that some such idea of cause — however unclear and perhaps indistinct — might come from the observation of physical objects.
If this is the first post you have read on this blog about this topic, then my proposal might come as quite a shock to you.
Could it be better if we focused on improving THIS world instead of worring about the one that might come after death?
It might come back on me.»?
Through dialogue, these young men, precious to God, might come to see that the Christian view of Jesus is much earlier, more coherent, and better evidenced than the Muslim view of Jesus.
BUT — And this might come as a surprise... NO matter how much of my own blood that I shed... * My blood * will do * you * NO good at ALL.
The possible blight which might come to the human spirit if a minority of wholly ruthless men should achieve a monopoly on the instruments of power that make the world all one province, technically, is a reasonable cause for fear.
In an atomic age, destruction might come at any moment.
What we do have in the Old Testament is a mass of evidence that the dead were of profound importance to the living, that elaborate ceremonies and popular customs were involved in dealing with them, and that such observances were concerned both with the veneration due from the living to the departed and with the possible good or evil that might come from the departed to the living.
Obviously this Messianic hope was social rather than individual, but because it was the typical and controlling Jewish way of visualizing a worth - while future it was bound to become entangled, one way or another, with the idea of Sheol and what might come after it.
Read Galatians 3:14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
But I think it may have for me, having been thus put on the spot; because it seemed to me that these reasons were about as good as any that might come along, unless one is prepared to do a lot of spadework.
The first is the so - called Irenaeian theodicy (after the second - century theologian Irenaeus): God permits suffering and evil in order that by them we might come to sufficient maturity so as to be able to inherit eternal life.
Even if you agree with our basic judgments, you might come to somewhat different conclusions as to just what values to assign to the various items.
You never know where these «kisses from God» might come from, so be on the lookout!
I showed him a newsboy shouting the midday paper, and a No. 73 bus going past, and before he reached the bottom of the stairs I had got into him an unalterable conviction that, whatever odd ideas might come into a man's head when he was shut up alone in his books, a healthy dose of «real life» (by which he meant the bus and the newsboy) was enough to show him that all «that sort of thing» just couldn't be true.
Maybe if I knew everything you've said to your son, I might come to a different conclusion.
But it might come more natural to someone who knows that he had a grandfather, whose grandfather told him G - d gave the Torah to his ancestors, whose ancestors were told G - d gave the Torah to their ancestors, and so on, each year, generation after generation, from then to now, that person would think about the time that G - d did give the Torah.
What might come as shocking news to you is that all the Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the world pray to the same God.
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