Sentences with phrase «migrating north»

A significant trend is buyers from the GTA migrating north.
But right now the trend seems to point in the direction of more tropical diseases migrating North, including Dengue Fever.
Migrating north is an improbable option for the polar bears studied by Obbard, as the northern areas are unable to support greater numbers of bears.
In recent decades the ITCZ has been migrating north moving it farther away from Easter Island and as that distance increases absolute humidity over Easter Island will necessarily decrease which necessarily means in increasing temperature delta between daytime high and nighttime low.
In California, drought may become a permanent feature, and some farm - workers have already responded by migrating north to Oregon and Washington.
He spoke of freed slaves migrating north and finding work in factories and as stevedores.
SOON AFTER HARDISON»S 1914 BIRTH in Portsmouth, Va., her parents fled the Jim Crow south, migrating north to Brooklyn, N.Y..
With luck, we will also see the last of the gray whales migrating north, possibly including some mother - calf slowpokes.
While Bigg's orcas tend to eat smaller prey like seals and dolphins, it's possible that we'll see more interactions like this one during the coming months: as winter approaches in the Southern Hemisphere, filter feeders such as gray and humpback whales are migrating north to warmer waters.
There are whales and dolphin around the coastline of southern California for most of the year but we had hit on the time when these magnificent creatures were migrating north towards Alaska, some with youngsters in tow.
Spring: Thousands of shorebirds migrating north during April and May stop in Oregon wetlands to rest and feed.
Heron Island is a very special place, where you can see Humpback whales migrating north from June to September each year.
This happens the last weekend of April in celebration of the thousands of birds migrating north along the coast.
«Climate change has had a notable impact upon the distribution of many wild bees, with several species such as the newly - arrived Tree Bumblebee migrating north in the past 20 years as the climate has started to warm,» says the report, titled «The Decline of England's Bees.»
Both plates are slowly migrating north, but the weight of the Himalayas slows the leading plate, forcing the following plate to dive under the leader.
Striped Bass are fascinating fish that spawn in the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and Hudson River, and migrate north to spend their summers in Massachusetts, and beyond.
Itchy eyes and runny noses are rarely fatal, but the risk of allergen exposure is increasing as insects migrate north to newly hospitable land while oak, birch and ragweed disperse pollen more intensely and for longer stretches of the year.
There is also a chance that, as conditions become more favorable with milder winters, Mexican kissing bug species may migrate north, Dorn and Stevens point out, although currently this scenario is only speculation.
These two species of seal migrate north along Greenland shores in the spring, and Smiarowski thinks the Norse likely caught them with boats and nets or clubs.
The southern continents broke up, and, as South America and India migrated north, the Antarctic become isolated and increasingly cold, absorbing more CO2 and creating a conveyor - belt - like effect of cold air that perpetuated ice.
After spending a relatively leisurely winter and early spring luxuriating in warm tropical climates, they migrate north for a brief but highly eventful summer in North America, during which they must complete three energetically demanding and time - consuming tasks: (1) they must build nests, lay eggs, and provide for their offspring until the young reach independence, (2) they must completely replace all the feathers in their plumage as part of the annual molt, and (3) they must prepare for the fall southward migration by eating prodigiously and storing the body fat that will fuel their long - distance flights.
Scott Highleyman, an official at the Ocean Conservancy who also served on the U.S. delegation, said scientists have little knowledge of what kind of fish are in the region now and whether commercial stocks will migrate north as the water warms.
Concerned about the unguarded border with Russia, King Gustav of Sweden induced Finns to migrate north and east into the pine forest.
Osborne said the crop varieties and farming practices in southerly regions could simply migrate north as the climate warms, with the limitations imposed by different soil types, and that at some point, northward migration would become impossible because of the terrain.
Since the 1970s invasive Asian carp have steadily migrated north into the U.S. Midwest, infesting the watersheds of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois rivers.
But as the tagged males began to migrate north in March, the group came together again near Cape Hatteras, and headed up the coast to Delaware Bay.
Following the «out of Africa» expansion, some hunter - gatherer populations migrated north - west, eventually colonising much of Europe from Spain to Hungary, while other populations settled around the eastern Mediterranean and Levant, where they would develop agriculture around 10,000 years ago.
While some animals might be able to migrate north to escape the brunt of the heat, plants can't uproot themselves quite so easily.
There is evidence that, as numerous humans migrated north into Europe, they interbred with Neanderthals.
Indeed, a likely reason that melanin pigmentation devolved was to permit humans who migrated north and south of the equator to make enough vitamin D in their skin to satisfy their requirement (96).
Yes, it seems the hip - hugging accessory has left the waist and migrated north, planting itself firmly across our chests, casually slung from the shoulders.
May 17, 2018 • From bass to lobster, hundreds of species that live along U.S. coastlines are projected to migrate north over the next 80 years, making them harder to catch and manage.
While many freed slaves had migrated north in search of a better life, they continued to suffer from gross injustice and severely restricted social and economic mobility.
For Canadian DIY investors, Interactive Brokers Canada is one of two online brokerages that might offer a conduit for innovative services in the online brokerage space in America to migrate north.
She grew up in North Miami and slowly migrated north, via Hollywood, Southwest Ranches and ultimately to Morriston, Florida, where she and her family have lived since 2006 with 5 horses, a bunch of cats and 2 dogs.
Unable to prevent an estimated $ 5 million to $ 10 million worth of bird damage each fall to a sunflower crop which fetches between $ 330 million and $ 500 million per year, Wildlife Services staff theorized in 1994 that they might accomplish more by poisoning the birds as they migrate north each spring, so that fewer would join the fall migrations southward.
Spot southern right whales and humpback whales at Great Oyster Bay as they migrate north along the Tasmanian coast between May and July and south between September and November.
It was whale watching season, as the humpback whales migrate north up Australia's East Coast, and we were lucky enough to see a whale off Sunshine beach while having a drink at Sunshine Beach Surf Club.
Birds in the southernmost part of range may migrate north after breeding.
Between late May to late July each year about 6,000 whales migrate north from Antarctica and along the Australian coastline to their breeding and birthing grounds in Queensland.
Every year between May and November, an estimated average of 17,000 whales migrate north past the east coast of Australia.
During June and July you may be lucky enough to catch a sighting of a humpback whale as they migrate north from their feeding grounds in Antartica to warmer waters.
Each winter, the East Australian humpback whale population migrate north from the Antarctic waters, along the eastern coastline of Australia to mate and give birth in the warmer waters of North Queensland.
Port Stephens is a major port of call for 3500 humpback whales who migrate north every winter and back south to the Antarctic for summer.
In March the whales migrate north, with their young, along the Sonoma Coast with the mothers and their calves even closer to shore for protection.
Calves are at least a month old before they migrate north with their mothers, and the newly formed duos are the last to leave the lagoons moving slow for baby.
New York Magazine's Jerry Saltz went to the Venice Biennale a touch late, after the crowds had gone and the moveable party of the art world had since migrated North to Basel.
Longtime owners of a Seventh Street one - stop inkjet print shop and gallery, the Adamsons migrated north to the same building that already houses the G Fine Art and Hemphill galleries.
Stroke City Cuts a Dash through Politics of Programming The Irish Times; October 27, 2012; Fintan O'toole; 700 + words... Derry has, of course, close associations with Brian Friel, Seamus Heaney, James Simmons, Frank McGuinness, Jennifer Johnston and... Voices festival will migrate north from Dingle, while the Turner Prize has been lured from London.
Artist Statement «Every spring, approximately 650,000 sandhill cranes depart their overwintering grounds from Arizona to Texas to migrate north.
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