Sentences with phrase «migratory birds use»

These findings strongly support the hypothesis that migratory birds use their visual system to perceive the reference compass direction of the geomagnetic field and that migratory birds «see» the reference compass direction provided by the geomagnetic field.
For decades, scientists have known that migratory birds use Earth's geomagnetic field — along with light, stars, and other cues — to guide them on remarkably long journeys.
Not only migratory birds use a built - in magnetic compass to navigate correctly.

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The intersection of her research on habitat use by migratory birds and her love of coffee prompted her to explore coffee sustainability issues.
For example, migratory birds often use shade coffee farms as a corridor when moving between temperate and tropical regions (e.g., Greenberg et al. 1997).
I recently reviewed a paper, Field - testing ecological and economic benefits of coffee certification programs, that included a nifty summary table of the criteria used for shade certification by Rainforest Alliance, and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (under the «Bird - Friendly» trademark).
A summary table of the criteria used for shade certification by Rainforest Alliance, and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (under the «Bird - Friendly» trademark).
The provision of structures providing food and shelter, and the lack of pesticide use, attract new or re-colonizing species to the organic area (both permanent and migratory), including wild flora and fauna (e.g. birds) and organisms beneficial to the organic system such as pollinators and pest predators.
I have «caught» some roasters using the Bird - Friendly label (or even the term, which is trademarked by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center) and reported them to Smithsonian, which then in turn contacts the roaster with a cease - and - desist warning.
«At least 13 pesticides documented as causing die - offs in migratory birds are currently registered for use on cotton.
Migratory birds, on the other hand, can traverse entire hemispheres and end up just a couple miles from where they bred last year, using their senses alone.
And when placed in a large, inverted funnel used to study birds» migratory orientations, the neonic - fed birds tried to fly in directions other than north.
Or it may have navigated using Earth's magnetic field, much like some amphibians and migratory birds.
Beginning in early spring, FWS personnel regulate water flows throughout the refuge to safeguard habitat for the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds that use the 76,000 - hectare refuge as a key stopover and nesting ground.
These two changes, he explains, could significantly increase the habitat area for priority migratory bird species that use the refuge.
Using data on all the ultralight - trained birds» spring and fall migrations from 2002 to 2009, the researchers found that neither genetic relatedness nor gender had any effect on the whooping cranes» tendency to stay on the shortest migratory route.
The mechanism that is responsible for ultra-high magnetoresistance in molecular wires is possibly closely related to the biological compass used by some migratory birds to find their bearings in the geomagnetic field.
Cryptochromes are found in the retina of migratory birds and seem to be activated when birds are navigating using the magnetic field.
Weimerskirch said the researchers will now study «the learning phase of young frigate birds, how they learn to use these extreme conditions... Also we will test whether living in different oceanic conditions — Galapagos, Western Pacific and Indian Ocean — results in different migratory and dispersal strategies.»
The map is based on the northwards migratory patterns of birds (from the 4th February to the end of April) using environmental and meteorological data over the same 12 weeks — from Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Jiangsu, to Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang.
The three most commonly used tags to track migratory birds are: banding, global positioning system (GPS) tags, and Argos Doppler tags.
They used the results to investigate and discover major differences in the immune systems of sedentary and migratory birds.
Behavioral experiments have shown that night - migratory passerine birds can use a magnetic compass to orient during migration [e.g. 1], [2] and recent data suggest that the magnetic compass is used as the birds» primary compass in mid-air during real migratory flights [3].
The application of the pan-paramyxovirus RT - PCR assay was further evaluated using specimens from wild migratory birds.
We have suggested [13] that night migratory birds may use Cluster N for seeing better at night and / or for visual night - time navigation.
Migratory animals, such as certain insects, birds and mammals, have natural mechanisms they can use to traverse hundreds or thousands of miles.
«Let's get into some of the other reasons why we need some of this... The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — and because it was made into a cat issue, I'm using cats — cites that cats and other introduced predators are responsible for much of the migratory bird loss.
Marra told Mullins that the postdoctoral fellowship Dauphiné landed with the Migratory Bird Center was, to use Mullins» words, «one of the world's most selective fellowship programs» and that «Dauphiné was the admissions committee's top choice.»
Although there is no current provision for a federal permit to harm or kill these birds (called a «take permit») under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), ABC suggests that the FWS should consider this option as soon as possible, so that it can be used as an additional tool for proper siting and operation of future wind energy facilities.
Seventy - five percent of all migratory birds in the US use the Gulf as a corridor — and without help, most birds that come into contact with oil will die.
He says that the photographs provide testimony about the disappearance of migratory birds in Europe, because of the use of chemicals in agriculture.
The species feeds primarily on migratory birds that use the island as a rest - stop, so of course potential changes from sea level rise or any changes in the habits of migrating birds could also spell disaster for the species.
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