Sentences with phrase «migratory population»

Because the cooler climates of high - latitude regions have something of an inhibitive effect on the migratory population; by 2050, migration in these areas will increase as those living in these countries find the weather more permitting of a transient lifestyle.
Birds are resourceful creatures when it comes to finding places to nest or roost: In Portland, a migratory population of up to 14,000 swifts stops off every year in an old chimney at a local school.
Impacts of landfill use on the movement and behaviour of resident white storks (Ciconia ciconia) from a partially migratory population]
Pyenson says that after the ice age the non-migratory whales would have been easy targets for early whalers, so the migratory population has come to dominate.

Not exact matches

Much more important is her misunderstanding of basic historical processes and her failure to appreciate the central importance of natural population increase as compared to migratory movements.
Special emphasis is given to the protection of trees as a habitat for migratory and local bird populations as well as other wildlife.
Special emphasis is given to the protection of big trees as habitat for migratory and local bird populations and other wildlife species — a requirement not present in SAN's current 2010 standard.
choice of bird, as many populations are not migratory, and those that do winter in the northern tropics are found in lowlands and avoid higher elevations, where most coffee would be grown.
The converse was found to be true for migratory mammals, whose population size is increasing compared to their nonmigratory counterparts.
The average age of this whooping crane population is increasing and as generations of birds learn these migratory paths, their numbers may continue to rise.
To investigate the impacts of climate fluctuations on Northwestern migratory bird populations, ecologist M. Philip Nott and colleagues at the Institute for Bird Populations in Point Reyes Station, California, captured birds in «mist» nets at 36 stations in forests of Oregon and Washington between 199populations, ecologist M. Philip Nott and colleagues at the Institute for Bird Populations in Point Reyes Station, California, captured birds in «mist» nets at 36 stations in forests of Oregon and Washington between 199Populations in Point Reyes Station, California, captured birds in «mist» nets at 36 stations in forests of Oregon and Washington between 1992 and 2000.
The agency concluded that the farm will have minimal impact on the population of migratory birds, the activity of local sea life and the ocean views of the politically powerful.
Hammerhead sharks, which have recently received new protections from the UN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, are experiencing drastic population declines in excess of 90 % in several parts of world.
Once there, oil could hammer marsh dwellers, nesting shorebirds, migratory shorebirds on heroic migrations from South America traveling to as far north as the Arctic, and some fishing birds whose main populations thrive in the Gulf.
«So a lot of the natural migratory behavior was stopped because of that, and then as we let the population come back, these behaviors are starting to show up again.»
For a study forthcoming in The Condor: Ornithological Applications, authors David Nelson of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Todd Katzner of the U.S. Geological Survey (formerly West Virginia University), and colleagues traced individual eagles» movements through isotopes in their feathers to identify their breeding areas and to assess the population's migratory connectivity.
«Migratory patterns of eastern Golden Eagle population revealed.»
Microfluidic tools for precision measurements of cell migration speed reveal that migratory speed of individual cells changes stochastically from parent cells to their descendants, while the average speed of the cell population remains constant through successive generations.
Its prevalence tends to increase the farther a population is from Africa, leading some investigators to dub it «the migratory gene.»
Migratory monarchs in the west could disappear in the next few decades if steps aren't taken to recover the population, Schultz said.
The population has declined by over 95 % in the last thirty years, and the migratory monarch population is now at a high risk of extinction.»
DNA from 4,500 - year - old Ethiopian skull reveals a large migratory wave of West Eurasians into the Horn of Africa around 3,000 years ago had a genetic impact on modern populations across East Africa.
Contemporary divergence in migratory timing of naturalized populations of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in New Zealand.
New findings from Western University support the scientific opinion that mercury is one of the determining factors for the dramatic declines of many migratory songbird populations across North America.
373 D IETARY, FUNCTIONAL, AND TOTAL FIBER Dietary Fiber and the Prevention of Colon Cancer Marked international differences in rates of colon cancer (Boyle et al., 1985), coupled with findings from migratory studies showing that indi - viduals take on the cancer demographics of the population to which they move (Haenszel and Kurihara, 1968), have suggested a strong role for environmental factors in colon cancer incidence.
Effective conservation of migratory songbirds requires an understanding of how populations are connected between seasons.
«This legislation is urgently needed to help the Americas» diminishing migratory bird populations,» said Jennifer Cipolletti, ABC's Deputy Director of Policy.
The Migratory Bird Center's Website, too, suggests the outlook for the catbird population is quite good:
Director of the Smithsonian Institute Migratory Bird Center Peter Marra points out reliable estimates of unconfined cat populations are as difficult to formulate as, well, herding cats.
These stopover sites throughout the Americas are of vital importance to the survival of migratory birds — on an individual level as well as for entire populations of species.
Along with the largest population of West Indian flamingos in the world, the park has over 140 species of native and migratory birds, wild donkeys and hogs.
They are home to over 100 species of migratory birds and support globally important populations of Black - Necked Grebe, African Spoonbill, Pied Avocet, Little Grebe, Yellow Billed Stork, Black Winged Stilt, Grey - Headed Gull and Gull Billed Tern.
The agency enforces Federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat such as wetlands, and helps foreign and Native American Tribal governments with their conservation efforts.
Two Pacific Ocean populations are known to exist: one of not more than 130 individuals (according to the most recent population assessment in 2008 [31]-RRB- whose migratory route is presumed to be between the Sea of Okhotsk and southern Korea, and a larger one with a population between 20,000 and 22,000 individuals in the eastern Pacific traveling between the waters off northernmost Alaska and Baja California Sur.
Migration Populations on the west coast generally are permanent residents, but double - crested cormorants elsewhere are migratory.
In 2015 Massachusetts banned catching, cage diving, feeding, towing decoys, or baiting and chumming for its significant and highly predictable migratory great white population without an appropriate research permit.
The interior populations of this species are migratory while the coastal populations are both migratory and resident.
Every year, new components of the research are added while the overall goal of understanding the natural history and population dynamics of these large, migratory rays remains the primary goal.
So the current focus on migratory fish is, in essence, giving a pretty darn good break to the near - shore populations,» Semmens said.
Meanwhile sanctuaries such as the La Tovara National Park and mangrove ecoregion in San Blas is «one of the most important winter habitats for birds in the Pacific, home to 80 % of the Pacific migratory shore bird populations
The range is home to a number of important conservation targets which include, but are not limited to, at least 2 marine fish spawning aggregation sites, a breeding population of the endangered American Crocodile, and a number of threatened coastal marine habitats including the greater reef complex itself, beach forests that support several important species of resident and migratory birds and at least 2 species of marine turtles are believed to nest on the range.
This includes taking photo ID of whales flukes which helps in their estimation of population and migratory routes.
Plaintiff Oceana, Inc. («Oceana») on behalf of its adversely affected members hereby challenges the unlawful decision of the National Marine Fisheries Service («Fisheries Service» or «Defendants») to adopt and promulgate Amendment 5b to the Highly Migratory Species («HMS») Fishery Management Plan because it failed to establish measures necessary to end overfishing and rebuild the dusky shark population to a healthy level as mandated by the Magnuson - Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act («Magnuson - Stevens Act»).
Canada's Boreal Forest is also the reservoir for a large fraction of North America's clean, fresh water, home to about 5 billion migratory birds, and some of the largest remaining populations of caribou, moose, bear and wolves on the planet.
«This legislation is urgently needed to help the Americas» diminishing migratory bird populations,» said Jennifer Cipolletti, ABC's Deputy Director of Policy.
«Our study clearly showed that European migratory bird species with declining breeding populations in Europe in the last decades (1990 — 2000) responded the least to recent climate change as reflected by the temporal trend in spring migration phenology, or even delayed their timing of spring migration, whereas species with stable or increasing populations advanced migration.»
Well, the temporal mismatch is probably a broad phenomenon, leading to various population declines among European migratory birds, although some species seem to adapt better than others.
And then imagine the delayed arrival of a migratory bird, hoping to feed on that local caterpillar population, finding it is starving due to its own temporal mismatch.
A migratory bird with even stronger continued population decline is the Black - throated loon (Gavia Arctica) also known as Arctic loon.
Other long - distance migratory birds with population declines are the spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) and the common redshank (Tringa tetanus) a wader that breeds along intertidal habitats in northern Europe, and that splits in subpopulations during winter months, some birds staying in Europe, others flying to Africa.
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