Sentences with phrase «mild cases of»

Most studies, however, were based on relatively mild cases of depression and were of only moderate quality.
Mild cases of lupus can cause higher rates on your term life insurance policy.
In some cases, you can qualify for coverage with mild cases of valve disease, but most of our clients come to us after having valve replacement surgery or valve repair surgery.
Nexium doesn't always just treat folks who have mild cases of heart burn or GERD.
People with mild cases of TBI are advised to rest and take over-the-counter pain medication as needed.
Mild cases of TBI can be difficult to spot, as the symptoms may mimic other illnesses.
Mild cases of poisoning result in gastrointestinal symptoms and may resolve within a day or two; more serious cases of poisoning may lead to neurological symptoms, heart arrhythmias and coma.
Mild cases of pancreatitis can generally be treated at home.
Your pet will most likely require more frequent visits to the veterinarian for monitoring of the heart rate and rhythm, even with mild cases of this arrhythmia.
Once any underlying causes have been addressed mild cases of this disorder may require observation rather than treatment.
Mild cases of cat acne may not need any treatment at all, although most owners find the condition unsightly and prefer to treat.
Treatment of mild cases of inflammation will most likely require no medical intervention.
The process isn't too hard to follow for mild cases of resource guarding and older dogs and newly adopted dogs will receive some benefit from anti-resource guarding conditioning.
Manual scaling is used for mild cases of tartar buildup or as a followup to a mechanical scaling procedure.
Mild cases of ringworm can be treated with topical antifungal creams.
Some mild cases of feline plasma cell pododermatitis regress spontaneously without treatment.
Mild cases of skin problems usually resolve, if trial therapies are continued for at least three months.
In mild cases of diarrhea, these tests may be deferred unless initial treatment fails or the condition worsens.
Some trainers have pursued higher level training of their own and are able to help with mild cases of fear or distress related to being left alone.
In mild cases of diarrhea, where stools are soft but do not contain blood or mucous, and the dog appears otherwise normal (energetic, eating and drinking normally, bright and responsive) it may be possible to treat an episode of diarrhea at home by using a bland diet.
Although mild cases of diarrhea may resolve without intervention, diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, lethargy or any other behavioral changes should be treated as a medical emergency.
Your veterinarian may prescribe medication as well as strict cage rest for several weeks in mild cases of IVDD.
Cat first aid techniques such as the Heimlich maneuver can assist in choking cases, and for mild cases of asthma, providing cool water after a brief attack can buy some time.
For mild cases of canine pancreatitis, all that may be needed is to withhold food and water for 24 to 48 hours (no longer), along with administering IV fluids to prevent dehydration and drugs to stop vomiting and control pain.
Mild cases of asthma usually involve brief self - limiting coughing that generally will not affect your pet long term.
Formulas for relieving the aches of arthritis; maintaining clean, healthy ears; and resolving mild cases of diarrhea are also available.
Managing mild cases of heavy breathing can be done by keeping the dog at a normal weight and controlling the level of exercise that the dog gets.
In a few mild cases of pyometra, medical treatment may be attempted (especially in an expensive breeding bitch), but in an older bitch that you don't wish to breed from, surgery is the best and safest treatment which will also limit complications.
Even mild cases of any of the symptoms listed above can progress to a more serious infection so you should consult your veterinarian at the first sign of trouble.
Ranging from mild cases of gingivitis, where you'll see some reddening and inflammation of your cat's gums at the tooth line, to full - blown periodontal disease, where your pets teeth and gums are compromised due to severe plaque and tartar, accompanied by severe gingivitis and recession.
In mild cases of dog flu without secondary complications, this means rest, a warm and comfortable environment, and good nutrition, possibly including supplements [source: ASPCA].
It has also never been definitively identified in cats, although the efficacy of metronidazole in mild cases of IBD has never been fully explained.
Mild cases of kennel cough are typically treated with bronchodilators or cough suppressants.
By far the simplest mode of fluid therapy, providing water per os can correct some conditions, including mild salt toxicity and mild cases of dehydration.
These more mild cases of pneumonia are similar to «walking pneumonia» diagnosed in humans.
Mild cases of impacted anal glands will not cause a dog severe pain, but it is bothersome.
If your dog isn't showing signs of anxiety during brief separations of about 10 seconds, you can start incorporating the counterconditioning methods we have suggested above for mild cases of separation anxiety.
Non-specific symptomatic treatment is often prescribed initially in mild cases of acute vomiting.
This procedure is not recommended for mild cases of arthritis and is generally effective only on smaller, well - muscled dogs.
Modified live vaccines can cause swift development of long - lasting immunity but may produce mild cases of illness.
In mild cases of spinal stenosis, particularly where the dog remains mobile and isn't suffering any obviously serious pain, your veterinarian may start by prescribing anti-inflammatory medication.
This is sufficient in most mild cases of feline acne.
«Mild cases of classic kennel cough are most often self - limiting.
In mild cases of persistent cloaca the end result is nearly normal control of bodily functions.
Often the contaminated food is completely consumed and mild cases of diarrhoea can easily be caused by exposure to irritants such as gluten or lactose, as by a toxin, bacteria or virus.
For overweight people, especially those with mild cases of sleep apnea, losing weight may reduce sleep apnea symptoms and, in some cases, the symptoms may completely disappear.
At MadeOn, our gifts will soften dry skin, style unmanageable hair, fix mild cases of eczema, and help chapped lips.
And depending on the type of toxicants, we can experience chronic and degenerative conditions with mild cases of allergies, skin issues, chronic fatigue, anxiety, poor memory, and headaches, to severe cases of arthritis, chronic pain, certain cancers and neurological diseases.
The herb has been used in stress management and to treat mild cases of nervous exhaustion, depression, and trauma.
It can add bulk to your stool and can help prevent or cure mild cases of diarrhoea.
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