Sentences with phrase «mild disease»

Dogs with mild disease never develop any problems and may live a normal lifespan.
At time of writing, the virus had not become more severe, causing mild disease in most sufferers but making a small number — probably less than 1 per cent — extremely ill.
To some degree, the clinical signs depend on the severity — mild disease doesn't cause obvious problems, but severe disease often does.
The initial mild disease lasts up to a few months.
When this virus enters a dog's body alone, it causes a very mild disease or none at all.
For mild disease, the veterinarian might take samples to identify the cause, but only treat the signs.
These results were confirmed in patients with mild disease.
Four distinct human serotypes of dengue sicken humans, and an initial infection with one typically causes only mild disease.
This sort of temporary compromise of the immune system is short - term but may lead to generally mild diseases like localized demodicosis or juvenile cellulitus.
Protozoal parasite causing mild disease in adult dogs.
«We've shown that even in younger patients who have relatively mild disease, Orkambi led to improvements in lung function,» says Felix Ratjen of the Hospital for Sick Children at the University of Toronto, Canada.
The cases ranged from mild disease with rapid viral clearance within a few days after onset of symptoms to severe cases that shed virus for several weeks and required hospitalization with ventilator support.
While approved for moderate - to - severe Alzheimer's, it's frequently prescribed for patients with mild disease as well.
A usually mild disease, coronavirus is spread when a dog comes in contact with the stool or other excretions of infected dogs.
Most dogs with kennel cough show a classic course of mild disease characterized by one or more of the following signs:
Breast - feeding did n`t prevent mild diseases, such as otitis media, low - grade fever and diarrhea without dehydration.
«The surprise is that patients with mild disease suffer the greatest loss.»
Some children with asthma have mild disease need a rescue inhaler once in a while.
You might ask: if the mild form and the severe form of CEA / CH disease are caused by the exact same genetic mutation, why do some dogs have only mild disease while others have severe disease?
Babesia species in the US generally produce milder disease compared to some of the species found elsewhere.
Or, he observes, it might simply signal that many Euro bats develop mild disease, only to recover — in sharp contrast to their cousins across the Atlantic.
Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director - General, stated that «From past experience, we also know that influenza may cause mild disease in affluent countries, but more severe disease, with higher mortality, in developing countries.»
Non-core vaccines are those that protect against organisms that cause only mild diseases — the kind that usually «clear up» on their own — and which are not widespread in the area or easily transmitted from one animal to another.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a term that represents a spectrum of sudden or acute kidney damage, ranging from mild disease that is clinically undetectable to severe life - threatening acute renal failure (ARF).
A professional dental cleaning is sometimes called «dental prophylaxis» in cases of mild disease (because it is a preventive procedure).
Infection with canine enteric coronavirus (CCV) alone has been associated with mild disease only, and only in dogs < 6 weeks of age.
What Akinola is seeing in Nigeria «is not your textbook measles,» he says — not the mild disease people commonly associate with the virus.
The other workers had milder disease and recovered.
«Historically, Zika virus has just caused mild disease, but as it moved into the New World, in Brazil, we started to notice these more serious consequences associated with it,» says Aliota.
«Psoriasis patients, even those with mild disease, need to be aware of how this condition affects their overall health.»
When he delved into the genomes of those with a milder disease, he often saw not just a mutation in the affected clotting - factor gene, but also a mutation in another gene — the first causing haemophilia, the tendency to bleed, and the second causing thrombophilia, the tendency to clot.
While H1N1 mostly causes mild disease, some people — estimates suggest fewer than 1 per cent — become deathly ill, very fast.
Investigators showed the new strategy protected mice — vaccinated against the H3N2 influenza A flu strain, which causes mild disease — from succumbing to the more dangerous H5N1 and H7N9 strains weeks later.
«It could be spreading at very low levels in the Middle East, but mostly causing mild disease we don't see.
«Exacerbations of COPD accelerate lung - function loss: Effect especially prominent in patients with mild disease
Using the standard gene - therapy approach, researchers have shown that they can achieve long - term expression of factor IX in adults with haemophilia B at sufficiently high levels to convert the bleeding disorder into a mild disease (see page S6).
Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) accelerate the loss of lung function especially among patients with mild disease, according to researchers at National Jewish Health and other institutions.
So far, the SARS virus — whose transmission the World Health Organization (WHO) said had been halted everywhere by 5 July — had not been known to cause mild disease.
The findings suggest the coronavirus that causes SARS may cause a milder disease that wasn't known.
Of 131 pregnant women infected with Zika virus, 4.6 percent had mild disease, 74.8 percent had moderate disease and 20.6 percent had severe manifestations of Zika infection.
Researchers observed that the immune cells, called CD4 T - cells, in the airways of severe asthmatics secreted different inflammatory proteins than those in mild disease, particularly interferon gamma.
The ferret model did not further test the possibility that vaccination leads to milder disease.
To answer this question, Miguel Stadecker, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the Department of Integrative Physiology & Pathobiology at Tufts University School of Medicine, uses mouse strains that similarly develop severe or mild disease.
Men and women (median age 61.7) in the study were categorized as having no coronary artery disease, mild disease (less than 50 percent of coronary artery narrowed), or obstructive disease (more than 50 percent artery obstruction).
In the new report, McKee and colleagues found the most severe disease in former professional players; mild disease was found in all three former high school players diagnosed with the disease.
Children with mild disease may require only a watch - and - wait approach.
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