Sentences with phrase «mild form of the disease»

Some dogs will develop a very mild form of the disease and will live quite comfortably, some may need treatment.
In response, Lilly launched EXPEDITION3, limiting the participants to people with mild forms of the disease.
Mice that were induced to get EAE that lacked both Del - 1 and the receptor for IL - 17 had a much milder form of the disease compared to mice that lacked only Del - 1.
In milder form of the disease, this care may include medication to make your dog more comfortable and fluids to ensure that your dog remains well - hydrated.
Vaccinated rabbits may catch milder forms of the disease and recover with veterinary care.
A technology that uses magnetism to regulate neural activity shows a small benefit in patients with mild forms of the disease
Despite lacking a functional version of SMN1, these people have much milder forms of the disease and, in some cases, show practically no symptoms at all.
Just before starting treatment, Gelsinger — who suffered from a mild form of the disease — had high levels of ammonia in his blood, indicating that his liver was not functioning well.
Brian Madeux, the first patient in what will be a small clinical trial has a mild form of the disease, but nevertheless has had more than two dozen operations as a result, AP reports.
Other doctors tried to put a bright face on the terrible news: Arya had a mild form of the disease — she was likely to live into adulthood, though she faced ever - increasing disability as years went on.
In EXPEDITION3, the third test of the drug since it was developed in 2006, the compound failed once again to show significant benefit for people with mild forms of the disease.
Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and negative thyroid antibodies have a milder form of the disease.
One must remember that the absence of anti-gliadin antibodies in the blood does not indicate an absence of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, especially in the early stages or mild forms of the disease.
Many dogs can overcome the mild form of the disease, but the severe form can kill.
The vaccine is a live virus and can cause a mild form of the disease, so there are reasons to discuss the pros and cons of the vaccine for your dog with your vet.
ALL dogs that are homozygous recessive affected will show at least the mild form of the disease.
As often seen in human flu infections, two clinical pictures have been seen in dogs infected with the canine influenza virus — a mild form of the disease and a more severe form that is accompanied by pneumonia.
In the milder form of the disease, this care may include medication to make your dog more comfortable and fluids to ensure that your dog remains well - hydrated.
Type B is a milder form of the disease that is associated more with water contamination and aquatic mammals.
While the vaccine is a modified live virus and thus your dog may come down with a mild form of the disease (approximately 10 % of the time) it will not be spread to other dogs.
Although this is a relatively new cause of disease in dogs and nearly all dogs are susceptible to infection, about 80 percent of infected dogs will have a mild form of disease.
There is a mild form of the disease and a more severe form that is accompanied by pneumonia.The mild form causes a moist cough, fever, and lethargy.
Most dogs diagnosed with canine influenza experience a mild form of the disease
«The vast majority of these dogs have a mild form of the disease that lasts for about two to three weeks.
Although it may take 10 - 14 days to see clinical improvement with this drug, it may be useful in a dog with poor kidney function and a mild form of the disease.
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